Readers’ letters: Goodbye to the view of Gibloux!

Readers’ letters: Goodbye to the view of Gibloux!
Readers’ letters: Goodbye to the view of Gibloux!

Last June 5 appeared in Freedom an article on the investigation into the construction of the future very large Rolex SA factory, a text followed two days later by the request for construction and demolition of buildings in the Official sheet of the canton of Fribourg. Interested by the thing, I took my bike towards the road to La Léchère. I didn’t need to go any closer. Such a massacre of arable and formerly agricultural land can be seen very clearly from afar! We can get an idea by observing the piles of earth already deposited (these are archaeological excavations in progress on this site, see LL of March 16, editor’s note).

Above all, I ask myself the following question: is it fair to give up the entire plot for a single company, moreover to manufacture luxury watches when for a few francs, we can find ones that tell the time with more or less the same precision? For my part, I would have preferred to give priority to two or three medium-sized companies. And then, given the height of the dimensions and therefore of the future buildings, I see that we will hardly see the Gibloux from rue de La Léchère!



PREV A pastel by Marie-Gabrielle Capet preempted by Orléans