1-The APR chases Macky from Fouta…He is vomited in Saint-Louis and

1-The APR chases Macky from Fouta…He is vomited in Saint-Louis and
1-The APR chases Macky from Fouta…He is vomited in Saint-Louis and

Is this the end of Macky Sall’s land title in northern Senegal? Things have been moving since his headlong flight to Morocco and his high treason with his submission to a foreign head of state the day after his transfer of service to his successor. From the outside, the former head of state who retained the head of his party after betraying his presidential candidate, is trying to remobilize his troops…in vain. The last tours led by his emissaries were a fiasco. And today, sounds of rebellion are being heard in the APR in the north of the country in what it calls its political land title.

Macky Sall loses his political base. He faces an unprecedented crisis in his party. By leaving to settle in Morocco, Macky Sall thought he would leave electoral livestock that would respond to all his whims. But the former president faces an internal rebellion led by his former supporters who feel betrayed. Especially his Fouta activists who have difficulty understanding the latest choices of their leader. These activists from the department of Kanel, Podor (at the Fouta-Toro gate), Matam then Saint-Louis and Dagana have just said No to Macky Sall, to his brother-in-law, Mansour Faye, to Oumar Sarr and to President of the National Assembly Amadou Mame Diop.

The latest information from northern Senegal is not good for the future of the Alliance Pour la République (APR). APR political leaders from Fouta, Saint-Louis and Dagana want to take on their new responsibility in response to the call from the former APR presidential candidate. It’s “Macky clears” in Fanaye, in Ndiayenne Pendao in Ndioum, activists from the village of Dondou (commune of Bokidiawé). They no longer want to see Macky Sall in photos. In Dagana, activists from Oumar Sarr who had joined the APR announced their resignation. The rebellion spread to Richard-Toll in the stronghold of Amadou Mame Diop

Macky Sall, new employee of the Elysée after 12 years at the head of Senegal, lost his land title through his betrayal. The Republican Foutankés shouted their frustration and voices from Saint-Louis also announced their disgust with the APR. Mayor APR Mansour Faye, brother-in-law of Macky Sall, seeks to limit the damage. But the activists are determined to turn their backs on Macky Sall, whom they consider to be a first-degree traitor. “ He supported our worst opponents, abandoned all the activists who had sacrificed themselves for the APR and then he will quietly settle in Marrakech in Morocco » said one of the angry activists.

Macky Sall faces a wind of protest within the APR

These activists who already call themselves “ex-APR activists” are looking for a political framework that would meet their aspirations. Several of these activists were approached by Sonko’s emissaries. “The Pastef structures manager was touring the department and he approached us. Representatives of Cojer, MEER, the Network of Republican Teachers and the Convergence of Republican Women were contacted. But these activists want something other than drowning in Pastef or dying with Macky Sall. Amadou Ba’s Call changed a lot of things »

Is Amadou Ba the new receptacle for those disappointed by the APR? His call for new responsibilities resonated in Fouta, Dagana, Richard-Toll and Saint-Louis. Will Macky Sall’s political land title fall into the hands of the former candidate betrayed by Macky Sall? Amadou Ba is on the lips of all the major political leaders who were the pride of the Alliance for the Republic (APR). The latter cannot stand Macky Sall’s betrayal and hope to maintain their unity in a new entity.

Mame Penda Sow for xibaaru.sn



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