In Arles, the entire left in the street to stand up

In Arles, the entire left in the street to stand up
In Arles, the entire left in the street to stand up

Nearly a thousand of them braved the rain. At the call of the New Popular Front parties, the activists gathered their banners for a common parade. “ Suddenly, work wakes up and breaks his chain. » The words of Jacques Prévert, recited by an activist, resonate on the Place de la République to galvanize a crowd who knows that in this constituency where the extreme right is a hit, only unity can win.

The duo of candidates well represent this alliance of the left. On the steps of the Sainte-Anne church square, Nicolas Koukas, candidate (PCF) of the New Popular Front, and his deputy, Christophe Caillault (PS), want to believe in their chances. “ There is real anxiety about the arrival of Jordan Bardella in government. We are observing a huge awareness, particularly among abstainers. We want to show that another way is possible », assures Nicolas Koukas.

A fragile union

To do this, they will have to win against the outgoing deputy, Emmanuel Taché de La Pagerie, of the National Rally. “ He doesn’t do anything except take his picture, we need elected officials invested in our territory », asserts Nicolas Koukas into the microphone.

If they come together to say no to the RN, everyone here knows it, this union is fragile. “ I present to you the supervisory committee so that you can ensure that the program applies », Launches an LFI activist into the microphone to the candidate. In the assembly too, some will vote to block it but do not place blind trust in the alliance. “ We will be in the streets to make sure they keep their commitments », Promises an activist. For now, the demonstrators intend to put aside their differences to form a united front.

Paul Berger



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