He wants to escape a road check in Caen: many contraband cigarettes discovered

He wants to escape a road check in Caen: many contraband cigarettes discovered
He wants to escape a road check in Caen: many contraband cigarettes discovered


Editorial Caen

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 6:54 a.m.

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Thursday June 20, 2024, Dylan* (24 years old) was tried before the judicial court of Caen (Calvados) for five crimes : tobacco smugglingpossession and transport of drugs, driving a vehicle despite a license suspension and refusal to comply Saturday August 26, 2023 at Caen.

Preview calling while driving, he accelerates

That afternoon, at the end of August, when a police patrol ordered him to stop becausehe calls while driving, Dylan speeds up. His vehicle was found locked. Through the rear window, we can see bulky boxes from which protrude Marlboro cartridges.

When he is arrested a little further on, he begins by stating that he had lent his car before admitting that he had to “ make a delivery“. At the same time, he has a piece of cannabis resin on him and 1,500 euros in cash. To finish, his license had been suspended the month before for driving under drugs.

A defendant who remains silent

Whether during the investigation or on the stand in court, Dylan will never give the name of its sponsor, any more than that of the recipient because “that would have consequences”, he says. To change people, he also moved.

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These cartridges would come from Luxembourg. Approximately 30% of cigarettes smoke in France comes from smuggling.

He was paid very well to travel from point A to point B, it was tempting.

The defendant’s lawyer, at the hearing

Dylan gets 10 months suspended prison sentence probationary period of 24 months, a community service sentence of 70 hours. Added to this is a customs fine of 3 000 euros and the cancellation of his driving license.

*Istaken first name

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