Top 14 (Semi-final) – Stade Français: Segonds’ tears after missing his last transformation

Marie Mahé, Media365: published on Sunday June 23, 2024 at 8:40 a.m.

This Saturday evening, Stade Français was beaten by Bordeaux-Bègles (20-22), in the semi-finals of the Top 14. The end of the match was notably marked by the distress of Joris Segonds, who saw his last transformation, which could have made it possible to snatch extension, finishing on the post.

It all came down to one kick. This Saturday evening, at Matmut Atlantique, as part of the Top 14 semi-finals, Stade Français lost, narrowly, against Union Bordeaux-Bègles (20-22). However, after the siren, the Parisian club had the possibility of snatching the extension. While the hooker Lucas Peyresblanques had just scored a try (80th + 5), the opening half Joris Segonds then saw his transformation, from the right side corner, hit the outside of the left post before move away from the target. In the process, the residents of the UBB could let their joy explode, after this first qualification, since the merger, in the final of the French rugby championship. The title will be played this Friday evening, at 9:05 p.m., against Toulouse, at the Vélodrome stadium. On the other hand, the distress was inevitably palpable, and particularly among Segonds (27 years old), who was inconsolable.

Segonds lacked success on the foot throughout the match

The latter, who played his very last match in the colors of Stade Français before heading to Bayonne, even finished in tears, quickly comforted by the vast majority of his teammates. The Parisian fly-half clearly lacked success with his feet throughout this match, as he hit the uprights three times, on a drop but also on two conversions. This last action inevitably caused a reaction, on the Parisian side, like the third row Mathieu Hirigoyen, who expressed himself in comments reported by theAFP : “I think it was the easiest decision to take the try to the corner but we have to review the action. I don’t know: maybe there can be a foul and a penalty try super favorable for us It is complicated to whistle and for him, the easy thing is to grant the try. We are at Matmut, with 40,000 spectators, we felt that it was pushing hard behind the Bordeaux team. heart to turn off the stadium, we weren’t far away but we didn’t do it for 80 minutes.”



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