Remember: dive into the heart of the baths construction site in Dieppe

Remember: dive into the heart of the baths construction site in Dieppe
Remember: dive into the heart of the baths construction site in Dieppe


Augustin Bouquet des Chaux

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 11:09 a.m.

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The news fell on Thursday June 20, 2024. The Dieppe Bains aquatic center (Seine-Maritime) will close at the end of December 2024.

On this occasion, we delved into our archives to bring up to date photos of the construction work on the center before its opening in 2007.

The current 50-meter pool was built on the basis of the old pool, then called the Casino pool. ©David Raillot Collection

Photos from the construction crane

At the time, our journalist, Laurent Hellier, was able to climb into the construction crane to take aerial photos.

The outdoor children’s play area during its construction. ©Laurent Hellier

As a reminder, the construction of the Bains aquatic center has been at the heart of a legal battle between the city of Dieppe and the builder since 2010.

Videos: currently on -
The outlines of the future aquatic center were already visible during the construction site. ©Laurent Hellier

A trial before the Court of Appeal in Douai

Many defects have in fact been observed over time.

The case is still ongoing and is currently being handled by the Northern Court of Appeal in Douai.

The Bains aquatic center opened in 2007. ©Laurent Hellier

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