in Orléans, the concern of a fragile associative sector – Libération

in Orléans, the concern of a fragile associative sector – Libération
in Orléans, the concern of a fragile associative sector – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024dossier

At 108, the headquarters of many cultural and popular education structures in the city, there are fears of a drying up of state public aid.

A week before the anticipated legislative elections, at “108”, a former chocolate factory that has become the associative heart of Orléans since 2003, the hybrid arts and digital culture festival Re /Dé}Connecte was in full swing on Saturday and Sunday. Costumed as a drag elf, Ange, in his twenties, volunteering in civic service within the Loiret Gay and Lesbian Action Group (GAGL45), does not hide his disgust at the possible victory of the National Rally (RN): “It makes me want to vomit”, he shuddered. Pirate with mustache makeup, Sovann, employee of GAGL45, supports it: “It’s obviously scary, because these people deny our existence!” Sovann fears for the future of the association, which depends on public funds to fight homophobia through interventions in schools. “We even see it in vocational high schools, young people have lots of questions. They are demanding dialogue on sexuality and gender. The best way to overcome prejudice is to respond to them”he assures.

At 108, despite the festive atmosphere of the weekend, concern is present on all floors. First within the office of the association which manages this 5,000 square meter liner in the city center, made available by the town hall, shared by around fifty associative structures but also with the School of Fine Arts , the social center of the Burgundy district and the Secours populaire. 1,500 to 2,000 people come through the door of “108” every week. “It’s a multi-faceted place



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