PICTURES. Torrential rain falls on the audience just before the Coldplay concert in Lyon and transforms the pit into a paddling pool

PICTURES. Torrential rain falls on the audience just before the Coldplay concert in Lyon and transforms the pit into a paddling pool
PICTURES. Torrential rain falls on the audience just before the Coldplay concert in Lyon and transforms the pit into a paddling pool

A storm and torrential rain hit the Groupama Stadium in Décines-Charpieu in the metropolis of Lyon this Saturday June 22, 2024 evening just before the start of the Coldplay concert.

This Saturday, June 22, 2024, just before the Coldplay concert, a real rainy deluge fell on the Groupama Stadium in Décines-Charpieu, in the metropolis of Lyon, reports ActuLyon.

\u26c8\ufe0f Stormy rain hit Lyon this evening, causing water to accumulate at Groupama Stadium before the Coldplay concert. (\u00a9 LéoFilmaker)

— Météo Express (@MeteoExpress)

Some fans arrived very early to make sure they were as close as possible to the stage in order to admire the quartet up close, but had to wait under downpours of water. Poncho, umbrella, survival blankets and even trash bags, Coldplay fans wore their best rain gear. Those who had seats in the stands were lucky not to get wet.

Stormy rains

Some spectators ended up abandoning their place in the line to get dry before the start of the concert. Despite this bad weather, the crowd waited patiently, singing the most beautiful hits of their favorite group from Viva la vida to Paradise and kept their good humor.

The sun returned when Coldplay arrived, accompanied by a rainbow. The concert was therefore able to take place normally and the fans quickly forgot that they had been wet. The quartet closed the show with Sky full of stars and the evening ended, this time, with a shower of fireworks.



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