Morocco becomes the first contributor to the Spanish social security system

Morocco becomes the first contributor to the Spanish social security system
Morocco becomes the first contributor to the Spanish social security system
  1. A record number of Moroccan affiliates
  2. A reflection of Spanish-Moroccan ties

Morocco has become the foreign country that contributes the most to the Spanish social security system. This is the second month in a row that this has been the case. Countries outside the European Union are those that contribute the most to the system, with just over two thirds of the total (67.9%), in particular Morocco, Romania, Colombia, Italy, Venezuela and China.

A record number of Moroccan affiliates

The Spanish social security system reached a record number of Moroccan affiliates in May. According to data published by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, 358,371 workers from the Alawite kingdom currently contribute to the Spanish system. The second country, which occupied first place until two months ago, when Morocco moved to first position, was Romania, with 351,890 contributors.

The overall growth is even more striking. The latest report from the ministry shows an increase of just over 77,000 taxpayers in the space of one month. This figure reflects the good trend in Spain, especially if we take into account that a new maximum of foreign social security contributors has been reached, with a total of 2.8 million people.

Of all foreign contributors, just over 32% come from the European Union. The number of Ukrainians has also seen particular growth. Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the number of Ukrainians affiliated to the social security system has increased by 50% to reach more than 70,000. These figures reflect a significant growth in the contributions that Spain needs and which reflect the prosperous relations that exist with countries like Morocco.

President Pedro Sánchez and Aziz Akhannouch at the Royal Palace in Rabat – LA MONCLOA / BORJA PUIG DE LA BELLACASA

A reflection of Spanish-Moroccan ties

The increase in the number of Moroccan contributors is a sign of an increasingly close relationship between Spain and Morocco. More and more Moroccans are choosing Spain and, therefore, contributing to a social security system in dire need of new contributions.

However, we must not forget that this is a consequence of the still negative economic situation in Spain. The need for foreign labor and a greater number of contributors is the result of a period when the national economy is still recovering and has failed to emerge from a deep crisis that has been greatly aggravated by the arrival of COVID-19 four years ago.

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