Legislative elections 2024: in the 5th constituency, Stéphanie Galzy defends “a major plan for our rurality”

Legislative elections 2024: in the 5th constituency, Stéphanie Galzy defends “a major plan for our rurality”
Legislative elections 2024: in the 5th constituency, Stéphanie Galzy defends “a major plan for our rurality”

Building on her election in 2022, Stéphanie Galzy plans to get her chair back.

The Roujanaise Stéphanie Galzy, 42 years old, outgoing RN deputy for the 5th constituency, elected in 2022 with 54% of the votes against the mayor of Capestang Pierre Polard, returned to the campaign with serenity, strong from the results of her party in the elections European.

Do we feel confident for this election?

I have been working in the field for two years, and the French have seen us deliver the promised bills. I promised to bring the voice of the rural areas of my constituency to the Chamber, and I did it. During these two years, I saw that people were satisfied with the work done.

What achievements make you proud?

I made a bill after meeting a childminder who had created an association with other childminders, victims of unpaid debts from parents receiving money from Caf but not paying them. The assistants won their case. But in the end, the parents organized themselves to be insolvent. I therefore made a bill to model the same system as that of the APL so that childminders have at least a guaranteed minimum salary. I also acted on the disability level. I launched a leechi kitty for the benefit of the Sud handicap 34 association. This made it possible to finance an electrically assisted bicycle, equipped with a pin allowing you to grab a chair. This allows people with disabilities to experience the feeling of riding a bicycle.

You are also very involved with winegrowers…

When winegrowers contact me and say “Madam Deputy, I only have you”, I can only help them. One of them had a claim but while filling out a document, he forgot to check a box regarding insurance. He was therefore not entitled to any compensation. President of the “wine, vine and oenology” study group at the national assembly, I am sensitive to causes like his. Knowing that viticulture in the constituency is the base. I want to make a bill on the subject of the right to make mistakes. We, citizens, when we fill out our tax form, we are entitled to it. Why not our farmers and wine growers? A few months later, this winegrower thanked me for getting him out of trouble. This is, for me, the role of an MP: being able to find solutions on the ground.

If you are re-elected, what will your plans be?

I will continue to defend our traditions, hunting, fishing, bullfighting. We must also create a major investment plan for our rural areas. Starting with transport. I will also continue to fight against the decline in public services, against medical deserts and white areas when today we do everything via the internet. All our communities must be covered. Large cities have been sufficiently infused with public money. From now on, we must invest in our rurality. Subsidies are not enough.

What do you think of your opponents?

I would like them to show themselves, that they do not hide behind alliances like Mr. Manenc does with the Department or the Region. When you follow the Popular Front, you have to take responsibility for it. I had a lot of respect for him in 2022 because he defended his values. How do his socialist voters feel? I also extend an outstretched hand to those who do not want to see the country fall into the hands of LFI. Let them join me. Because tomorrow, there will be two choices. It will be either Jordan Bardella prime minister or Jean-Luc Mélanchon.



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