What are the consequences of FC Libourne filing for bankruptcy?

During the general assembly of FC Libourne this Wednesday, June 19, the president, Mondheur Mahdi spoke late, once the general secretary, Philipe Berthomé drew up a provisional assessment of the finances showing a deficit on May 30 of €314,000.

« I don’t have many comments to do, he explains to the assembly made up of educators, some parents but also players. The sequence and liquidations of my companies have had a strong impact on the association. You all know that I was the only investor in the club and I am sorry to come to this situation. The figures are very real with a provisional loss of 315,000 euros, with a supplier debt of 115,000 euros and tax and social debts of 235,000 euros. ».

The state of finances being catastrophic and the club being sued by the Industrial Court, there is no other solution than to file for bankruptcy: “this financial report, the president adds: “ we could have thought about legal redress but we will not have the capacity to do so. It is therefore necessary to carry out a judicial liquidation very quickly. It’s true that it saddens me for all the members of the club, the volunteers, the educators who did a very good job. But given the situation, I have no other choice », adds the president. The liquidation will take place in the coming days. Once achieved, the president will resign from office.

During this general meeting, the sports assistant from Libourne town hall was present to reassure those present. If FC Libourne has to disappear, this will not be the case for football in Libourne. A new club will be created in the coming days. A new team is being formed and will have to create a new name, a new logo, and perhaps also define new colors… And this with the support of the town hall because the club will have to start from scratch. There will be nothing left because everything will be seized by the liquidator: from equipment to furniture to balloons…

But on the sporting side, how does it work? “ It’s necessary that the 350 young people can continue to play football in September. I prefer to see them on a field than wandering in the street », specifies the elected official.

Concerning the levels that the teams could have, he adds: “ The discussions we are having today with the FFF indicate that they are doing everything to ensure that we maintain the level of the young people. For us, this is good news. For the seniors, we were thinking of regional level 2 but it is not won at all », specifies Jean-Louis Arcaraz. It is the executive committee of the French Football Federation which will make this decision once the new club is created and the transfer of sporting rights is requested.

Depending on the COMEX’s decision, the pools sent to clubs recently by the league could be modified. But before knowing the final decision, days or even weeks will pass, to the great concern of the educators present at this general assembly.



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