In Rennes, a far-left demonstration targets the RN and the police

In Rennes, a far-left demonstration targets the RN and the police
In Rennes, a far-left demonstration targets the RN and the police

This Thursday, June 20, in the city center of Rennes, 1,500 people gathered to demonstrate against the possible accession of the right to power, at the call of numerous unions (CFDT, FO, CGT, FSU, etc.). The procession was unable to reach the end of its route due to clashes between the demonstrators and the police, targeted by 80 individuals at the head of the demonstration. Hooded and protected by glasses and scarves over their noses, these professionals of violent demonstrations threw projectiles at the police, who immediately responded with jets of tear gas. Seven arrests were made.

Rennes is held by the left, as the results of the European elections attest: 9.42% for Jordan Bardella’s list, 24.93% for Raphaël Glucksmann, 17.85% for Manon Aubry. Demonstrations against the RN are increasing there, unsurprisingly. On June 10, the day after the election results, 4,000 people according to the organizers (3,000 according to the prefecture) mobilized. On June 15, there were 25,000 (12,000 according to the prefecture). Throughout France, no less than 21,000 police officers were mobilized to control the anger arising from the results of the European elections….

Calls for hatred and murder

The dissolution of the National Assembly has revived activists opposed to the predictable navy blue wave. In many cities in France, the left and the far left are taking to the streets to block the far right and prevent Jordan Bardella from settling down at Matignon. In these processions « anti-RN »the banners of the demonstrators follow up the old clichés seen again and again against the flame party: « RN=FN=WaffenSS », “Born under Pétain, I don’t want to die under Le Pen/Bardella” or the very classic and very false “Youth annoys the National Front”. Violence is also present: the more hateful the words, the less questionable the claim. When they are not targeted physically, the police are inevitably targeted by slogans or signs. “Down with the State, the cops and the fascists”, “Everyone hates the police”, « ACAB », “a good cop is a dead cop”, “a cop dies: one less RN vote”. Calls to hatred, calls to murder: all means are good to push back the extreme right and what it defends: order and security.

“This extreme left respects nothing. »

For the executives of the National Rally, this violence is inexcusable. Matthieu Valet, newly elected to the European Parliament on the list of Jordan Bardella, former police commissioner and former spokesperson for the Independent Union of Police Commissioners, speaks regularly on this subject. For him, the demands of the New Popular Front demonstrations attest to a worrying reality: “If the Popular Front comes to power, it will purge the police!he warns on the air CNews. Worse: it will be the end of LBDs in the face of Molotov cocktails, the end of grenades in the face of ambushes, the end of Brav-M in the face of antifa. » He pursues : “I am disgusted that hatred of the cop is the program carried by an alliance called the Popular Front. This extreme left respects nothing. Neither the police officers who died for France, nor those who protect the French. »

For Jordan Bardella, “the climate of violence and insurrection” raised by these left-wing movements is extremely worrying. The French are, in any case, warned: in the event of the RN coming to power, the far left will make it their duty to sow chaos in our streets.

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