anger on all Laser Propreté sites

anger on all Laser Propreté sites
anger on all Laser Propreté sites

For several months, a major social unease has been expressed among the employees of the cleaning subcontractor of the RTM, the SNCF, the GPMM, also holder of the contracts for the Metropolis, the Region, the AP-HM, the airport, Euromed, SEM, CAF… in June, then in August 2023, then last February and again since yesterday, calls for strikes have resumed on the metro stations, the train station and today on the port for recurring reasons: “ unpaid or even incomplete salaries “. All against a backdrop of internal tensions: “ 64 files in litigation at Direccte » indicates Samir Saadi, DS CGT of the GPMM who mentions “ around thirty layoffs since March ».

S. has 34 years of seniority assigned to cleaning the port. “ Late, unpaid salaries, with 400 missing euros. We’ve already been waiting for gift vouchers since Christmas. We are in the red every month “. In 34 years of activity, this cleaning employee had “not never experienced this “. And he just discovered that it appeared “ For 3 years » on a job description on the SNCF site, even though he has always been assigned to the GPMM.

At his side R., who has worked at the port for 21 years, is preparing to take his shift without any product to wash the big bowls in the canteen. “ Either I buy some without being reimbursed, or I take liquid for my hands, I have already had to buy a squeegee to be able to work better “, deplores the employee, “ the equipment is missing, the staff is missing, they are not replaced, we are all at the end of our rope “. And S. adds, disillusioned, pulling at the shoulder seams of his too-short T-shirt: “ It’s even the size of the clothes that they trim ! »

It’s not clean

In support, C., M, and L., among the “ quarantine of dismissals since 2022 “, after 28 to 32 years of service without problem, denounce “ We are still psychologically exhausted but our colleagues on site still suffer from pressures, threats and aggressive management. “. The boss of Laser, Philippe Lasery, was sentenced to 18 months in prison and a fine of 20,000 euros for embezzlement of public funds (read our article of March 18, 2024).

At Laser, the waters are still so murky that the CEO resigned 4 months after taking office, washing his dirty laundry in an open letter to shareholders (our article from 1is June 2024). Beyond a collapse of the family business specializing in industrial cleaning for 50 years, the clients are not exempt from responsibilities. The policy of the lowest bidder exerts pressure on the market. At the end of the chain, employees pay the price.



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