Bas – France: Mbappé’s mask banned by… UEFA?

Bas – France: Mbappé’s mask banned by… UEFA?
Bas – France: Mbappé’s mask banned by… UEFA?

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As usual, Kylian Mbappé caused a sensation. This time, it was not for a performance on the field or a notable media outing, but for the mask he wore today at Blues training during the last session the day before from Netherlands – France. The French captain revealed his blue-white-red mask, in the colors of the French flag.

“No identification of the team or the manufacturer”

But as the daily reminds us the Team, he could find himself obliged to leave this mask in the locker room: “Medical equipment worn on the playing field must be of a solid color and must not present any identification of the team or the manufacturer”, stipulates the regulations of UEFA. Unless the French Football Federation has a special exemption, it will have to favor a mask without color.

Read also

French team: images of Mbappé with his tricolor mask

French team: Deschamps’ big announcement on Mbappé

To sum up

First blow for Kylian Mbappé’s style before the clash between the Netherlands and France? According to UEFA regulations, “medical equipment worn on the playing field must be of a solid color and must not display any identification of the team or manufacturer.”



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