the Saint-Médard-Lacanau beach bus returns to the road from June 29

the Saint-Médard-Lacanau beach bus returns to the road from June 29
the Saint-Médard-Lacanau beach bus returns to the road from June 29

After yet another Delpeyrat-Mangon match on mobility, the Municipal Council of Saint-Médard-en-Jalles unanimously renewed the beach bus for the 2024 season on Wednesday June 19. Four towns (Saint-Médard-en- Jalles, Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc, Salaunes and Sainte-Hélène) are affected by the implementation of this system as far as Lacanau, used by more than a thousand…

After yet another Delpeyrat-Mangon match on mobility, the Municipal Council of Saint-Médard-en-Jalles unanimously renewed the beach bus for the 2024 season on Wednesday June 19. Four towns (Saint-Médard-en- Jalles, Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc, Salaunes and Sainte-Hélène) are affected by the implementation of this system as far as Lacanau, used by more than a thousand people in July-August 2023. “Our communities were alone until now. The Region was not in favor of this beach bus, considering that it competed with its 700 lines (precisely the 702, Editor’s note). In reality, we were in a special situation, forced to endure the constraints of being at the end of the line,” explained the mayor of Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, Stéphane Delpeyrat-Vincent.

Victims of their success from Bordeaux, line 702 buses were regularly full when arriving at Saint-Médard. As a result, they no longer took anyone along the way. “The Region has understood the benefit of our initiative and will now participate in its financing,” rejoiced the elected official. In this case, this will cover 40% of the overall cost of the beach bus, estimated at nearly 20,000 euros for the summer. The four partner municipalities will share the remaining 60%, with participation proportional to their population.

Application CARS33

The transport offer is scheduled from June 29 to August 30. It will work every day. The journey time will be one hour: departure at 10 a.m. from Saint-Médard-en-Jalles and return at 5:30 p.m. from Lacanau-Océan. This daily shuttle will be inserted between the existing schedules of line 702. It will serve several stops: bus station and Péricot (Saint-Médard-en-Jalles), Villepreux and church (Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc), the town of Salaunes, the town of Sainte-Hélène and various points in Lacanau (shopping center, town center, La Cousteyre, Marina de Talaris, Allée des Baïnasses, Le Moutchic, Le Huga, Marie-Curie and Océan).

“We were in a special situation, forced to endure the constraints of being at the end of the line”

Free last year, this collective transport will be linked to the regional pricing applied for all users. Thus, the cost of the trip will be €4.10 for a round trip (all public price, free for children under 4 years old). It will be possible to buy tickets and reserve your place via the CARS33 application. Please note, strollers, surfboards and other bicycles will only be accepted in the hold under certain conditions (space available, prior reservation).

Partnership between Charles-Perrens and the municipal health center

Elected officials also validated a partnership between the Charles-Perrens specialized hospital center and the Saint-Médard municipal health center for the installation of a hotline. “There is a huge deficit today in terms of care. The Charles-Perrens medical-psychological center, which lacks premises, is aware of this. He asked us so that we could offer care through our health center,” explained the mayor. That is to say follow-up consultations by a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse targeting patients already supported by the hospital or new patients. This office should open at 1is next September.



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