“Workers must regain their class consciousness and the path to life”

“Workers must regain their class consciousness and the path to life”
“Workers must regain their class consciousness and the path to life”

Originally from Ain, Brigitte Vuitton is no less Bisontine as she has been crisscrossing the neighborhoods of Besançon for a long time, campaigning for Lutte Ouvrière (LO). “When I arrived in Besançon, in 1975, I immediately got in touch with LO,” says the activist. In 1975, Brigitte Vuitton was a student and her political awareness was sharp. From the age of ten, she saw her parents, teachers, strike for three weeks in May 1968. A left-wing father and intense political discussions within the family home finally aroused her political interest. At 66, Brigitte Vuitton still remembers her first demonstration, “when Franco garroted Puig i Antich”. A schoolteacher, then a teacher for twenty-five years at the Voltaire college in the Planoise district, she “saw the neighborhood become a ghetto for the poor and the deal points swarm,” she relates, “We saw a general impoverishment.” An observation which only reinforces his convictions, starting with the need to increase salaries and pensions by indexing them to inflation, thanks to the profits of “the capitalists”. “The other parties talk about increasing salaries but do not say how,” she notes before emphasizing as an example that “the shareholders of Stellantis share 18 billion per day.” Other objectives for the ardent activist: cancel pension and unemployment reforms, expropriate capitalists or even reopen public services: “The post office on rue Demangel closes even though it is essential! » she illustrates.



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