“A consensus” found, the Huveaune park project will see the light of day in Aubagne

“A consensus” found, the Huveaune park project will see the light of day in Aubagne
“A consensus” found, the Huveaune park project will see the light of day in Aubagne

One year after the controversy, the time for the outcome. City and public water development and management establishment Huveaune Côtiers Aygalades (Epage Huca) organized this Wednesday, June 19 in the evening what was to be the meeting able to raise the last stumbling block before the file of the park of the ‘Huveaune does not transform into a sea serpent.

For months, the project to revitalize the river banks at Parc de la Botte has been causing anger. While the project was supposed to see the light of day a year ago, the City was forced to backtrack and organize new consultations after a strong mobilization of opponents of the felling of trees. Although the project was to allow a widening of the banks capable of bringing biodiversity back to life in a watercourse.very degraded” according to Epage Huca.

40 trees felled

The final decision was made by the City, alongside Epage Huca. And it was ultimately the least impactful project in terms of tree cutting that was selected: a meander will be created and 40 trees will be felled, compared to 90 in the intermediate project and more than 200 in the initial proposal.



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