RN: normalization at the cost of hindsight – Sens public

RN: normalization at the cost of hindsight – Sens public
RN: normalization at the cost of hindsight – Sens public

The closer the National Rally gets to Matignon, the more it backs down on its proposals. A paradox which confirms its normalization in the political sphere after 40 years of demonization. Taken by surprise like all the other parties by the surprise announcement of the dissolution on June 9, the flame party benefits from strong electoral dynamics. ral obtained on the evening of the European elections, thus propelling it into the country’s leading political force. Just re-elected to the European Parliament, Jordan Bardella is already positioning himself as a potential Prime Minister in a “government of national unity”, thanks to the alliance made with the President of the Republicans Éric Ciotti. For several days, the president of the RN has continued to detail his commitments and reassess his priorities. Purchasing power, security and immigration remain the three essential, “emergency” axes of his first 100 potential days at the head of government. The repeal of the pension reform, or the abolition of income tax for those under 30 would take place this fall, but are first conditional on an audit that Jordan Bardella wants on all of the finances of the ‘State. And then it was one of Marine Le Pen’s big campaign promises on a societal level, the ban on the Islamic veil is today just an “objective”. But the ultimate condition remains, for the president of the RN, obtaining an absolute majority. To what extent will the RN go to smooth over the rough edges of its program to reassure the French? Is he equipped to take power with a 28-year-old Prime Minister and no former ministers in his ranks? Does the alliance with Éric Ciotti spell the end of the Les Républicains party? We debate it with Anne-Charlène Bezzina, lecturer in public law and constitutionalist, Pascal Perrineau, political scientist, and Pablo Pillaud-Vivien, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Regards”.

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