Swastika and racist tags at the Montauban mosque, the indignation of the Muslim community

Swastika and racist tags at the Montauban mosque, the indignation of the Muslim community
Swastika and racist tags at the Montauban mosque, the indignation of the Muslim community

the essential
The entrance wall of the mosque under construction in Montauban, in Tarn-et-Garonne, was vandalized with a racist inscription and three swastikas. Local authorities are investigating this act of vandalism, while the Muslim community is reluctant to file a complaint.

“Dirty buggers go home (sic).” The entrance wall of the mosque under construction in Montauban, located on Chemin de Matras, was defiled by a racist inscription and three swastikas signed “FN F”.

This Wednesday, June 19 in the morning, the soiled concrete blocks had been summarily covered with black paint. According to our information, the events occurred on the night of Monday June 17 to Tuesday June 18. “I learned about it Tuesday morning from the workers working on the site,” laments Mohamed Hajji, the president of the religious association managing the Es-Salem mosque.

Disappointed, the religious leader, who has been working for nearly fifteen years to get the thousand faithful out of the unsanitary premises on Avenue Chamier, is still hesitant to file a complaint. “I’m shocked, but I don’t want to give them publicity either,” says Mohamed Hajji, who informed both territorial intelligence (former general intelligence) and the police.

The entrance to the Montauban mosque was sprayed with racist insults and swastikas

“Observations have been made and an investigation is underway,” confirms without further details, the departmental director of the national police (DDPN), divisional commissioner Charles-Régis Allegri.

The Judicial Identity (IJ) police officers, according to our sources, took samples from the debris of a beer bottle which was thrown at the bay window of the Muslim religious building.

The mosque’s video surveillance recordings were requisitioned by investigators. “I fear that they do not allow us to see much, the video does not cover the path”, indicates Mohamed Hajji informing us that he will urgently bring together the office of the association of the mosque. “I would like to have their opinion to know whether we file a complaint or not,” he confirms.

‼️ Total support for our fellow Montalbanese Muslims!
The extreme right is not yet in power and its thugs already think they have everything they can.
These hordes of racists must never govern.
On June 30, vote and call to vote for the #newpopularfront. pic.twitter.com/BV8kmLi3jR

— PCF82 (@PCF_82) https://twitter.com/PCF_82/status/1803162499732111406?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Not having been informed of the facts until now, the mayor of Montauban, contacted by The Dispatch, wanted to react to these degradations. “I totally condemn this type of behavior. It’s unbearable,” certifies Brigitte Barèges.

The councilor, however, finds the coincidence suspicious ten days before the legislative elections in which she is a candidate. “This is not the first time that Montauban and its mosque have been the target of such unbearable acts”, regrets the mayor.

Read also :
Desecration in Montauban: two pig heads at the entrance to the mosque

In August 2012, in the middle of Ramadan, two pigs’ heads were hung on the gate of the mosque, near Villebourbon station, while the ground was stained with a large quantity of pig’s blood flowing up to the prayer room.

During the day, an anti-tag team from the municipality was to go to the site to clean the area. Coincidentally with the calendar, Brigitte Barèges indicates that she has a meeting with Mohamed Hajji on Thursday to take stock of the mosque construction site.



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