See Miscou and Die will mark its 15th anniversary in a big way

See Miscou and Die will mark its 15th anniversary in a big way
See Miscou and Die will mark its 15th anniversary in a big way

Zachary Richard, Raphaël Butler, Thomé Young, Sabrina Goupil, Sylvie Boulianne and several others: the Voir Miscou et mort festival will celebrate its 15th anniversary in style from July 30 to August 15.

The creator of the festival, the singer Sandra Le Couteur, who will also perform there four times – this year in the company of… Barbie! -, revealed all the names appearing on the poster for Voir Miscou et mort on Wednesday, at La Terrasse à Steve de Miscou, as part of a 5 to 7.

Both moved and amused, the woman who founded the event in 2009 at the Miscou Lighthouse, then still under renovation, summarized the laborious beginnings of “her” festival in front of an audience of people gathered outside for the occasion.

In an interview with Acadie Nouvelle shortly after the unveiling, Sandra Le Couteur said she was proud of how far she had come since then. Over the last 15 years, Voir Miscou et Mort has welcomed big names in song, including Wilfred Le Bouthillier, Mélissa Bédard, Lisa LeBlanc, Angèle Arsenault, Zachary Richard and several others, in addition to allowing the public to discover various talents local.

“As soon as the spotlights go out the next morning, I work on programming for next year. I’m going to organize this festival until I die,” Sandra Le Couteur told us in a convinced tone.

Testifying that Seeing Miscou and Dying is a unique event of its kind and that certain renowned artists performed there more to live the experience and out of friendship for the singer than for the fee, Sandra Le Couteur nevertheless regrets that, like other festivals, his has borne the brunt of the cuts in recent years in the cultural sector.

“We work with pieces of string; from year to year, we always have to start again (subsidy requests) and this year, we received practically nothing from the governments. However, Seeing Miscou and dying is an attraction in itself, it is mythical, with the lighthouse and its history, the legend of the Gougou and the breathtaking landscape. But no matter what happens in the future, it is certain that I will never be able to stop my festival. It would be like abandoning my child and I could never bring myself to do that.”

This emotional interlude, however, in no way dampens his overflowing enthusiasm at the idea of ​​welcoming a new plethora of artists starting next month.

Are there others who have not yet come and whom she dreams of receiving in the coming years?

It’s almost an open secret that Francis Cabrel is at the top of the list. Sandra Le Couteur also hosted her sister, Martine Cabrel, a few years ago. The big manitou of Voir Miscou et Die, however, revealed to us on Wednesday that discussions were going well in this direction and that it is not impossible, in the more or less long term, that the famous French singer-songwriter announces his came.

“I am friends with his sister and I have already sung for their mother in Astaffort (where Francis Cabrel lives and where he holds an annual musical festival, Les Rencontres d’Astaffort). So I have good relations with those around him, except that I was embarrassed to ask him directly to come. But others have suggested it to him and let’s say that bodes well.”

Sandra Le Couteur also mentions Michel Rivard as another potential artist she would like to welcome.

“We have mutual friends and I approached him two or three years ago. My record producer Éric Goulet is giving me a hand to convince him to come.”

Singer Guylaine Mercier and guitarist Léonce Larocque from the group Vent d’eSSes offered a few songs during the unveiling of the 15th anniversary program of the Voir Miscou et Die festival. – Acadie Nouvelle: Martin Roy

The singer and creator of Voir Miscou et mort, Sandra Le Couteur, revealed the names of the festival’s 15th anniversary program on Wednesday, at LaTerrasse to Steve de Miscou. – Acadie Nouvelle: Martin Roy

Programming details are available on the See Miscou and die Facebook page.

Tickets are on sale on the website

All shows are presented at the Miscou Lighthouse, except for the VIP cabaret evening on August 3 at Salle Mathieu-Duguay in Lamèque (which will feature Guylaine Chiasson, Samantha Curry Haché, Sabrina Goupil, Megan Guignard and Sandra Le Couteur, as well as as the show on August 15 (at 2 p.m.), which will be presented at La Terrasse à Steve and which will feature Gilles Bélanger followed by Laurent Sivret.

Please note that the Zachary Richard show on August 7 is sold out.



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