racist tags and swastikas written on the walls of a mosque

racist tags and swastikas written on the walls of a mosque
racist tags and swastikas written on the walls of a mosque

“Dirty bugnoules”, “go home”, racist tags and swastikas were discovered Tuesday June 18, 2024 in the morning on the walls of the new mosque of Montauban Es-Salam (Tarn-et-Garonne), currently under construction .

It was the construction workers who discovered these racist tags on the low wall of the gate of the new Montauban mosque (Tarn-et-Garonne), Tuesday June 18 in the morning. “Sales bougnoules“, “go home” were written in black spray paint.

The racist inscriptions on the wall of the new Montauban mosque covered with black paint this Wednesday June 19, 2024.

© Christian Galette/FTV

We called the police who came to see these inscriptions“, explains a member of the Muslim association of Montauban who wishes to remain anonymous.

This Wednesday, June 19, we can still read a few words but the tags have been covered with black paint.

The PCF 82 federation and the CGT unemployed and precarious workers of Montauban relayed the photographs on social networks, they denounce and condemn these facts.

For the moment the members of the association have not filed a complaint: “It’s number 5th time we find this kind of racist tags, the last time it was a pig’s face, we have not filed a complaint for the moment because we do not want to play into the hands of the fascists and racists, that they create a buzz around this” laments one of them.

Every day we have to face incivility and racist remarks“, says one of the members of the association. Contacted, the president of the Montauban mosque does not wish to comment on the subject for the moment.

On the social network X this morning, the mayor of Montauban, Brigitte Barèges “condemns with the greatest firmness these intolerable (…) slanderous inscriptions”.

For Jérémy Le Moinier, secretary of the PCF section of Montauban, these tags are the result “of a wanton racism which has existed for a long time in Tarn-et Garonne. This has nothing to do with slander as Madame Barèges points out. There is an expression of the wanton extreme right, they do not are more afraid and this is dramatic“, he explains.

The secretary of the PCF of Montauban speaks of “decompression of the fascist forces in Tarn-et-Garonne”. Fascist, even Nazi tags and expressions for more than a year in the department: ” this happens do quietly despite the reports made to the police.”

“During the European campaign, on posters, the faces of left-wing candidates in Montauban were tagged with swastikas. Similarly, we found fascist messages on the high school gate in Beaumont-de-Lomagne.”

In this post on social networks, Brigitte Barèges, the candidate for Les Républicains (LR) in the early legislative elections in the first constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne, speaks of a political recovery of the Popular Front: “(…) the political recovery that the Popular Front is trying to make, which is organizing an anti-RN demonstration tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the same time as we are holding a Community Council meeting at the Town Hall.”

This is in no way a political recovery“, retorts Jérémy Le Moinier, secretary of the PCF section of Montauban.

Fascist ags on the faces of the candidates in Montauban during the campaign for Europeans. PCF Montauban

© PCF Montauban

And added: “We stand together to oppose the far right. The Popular Front carries hope with a left-wing program(…) we remain in the worthy straight line of the Popular Front created in 1936. We cannot be accused of recovery, these facts are the additional symptom of an illness that has long been designated“.



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