the mind-blowing true story of the number 1 film on the platform

the mind-blowing true story of the number 1 film on the platform
the mind-blowing true story of the number 1 film on the platform

Crazy Bear was recently added to the Netflix catalog and it risks overshadowing Under the Seine. Released in 2023, this film may have a crazy pitch, but it is inspired by a true story.

Since its release on Netflix, the French film Under the Seine occupies first place in the top 10. But in recent days, another film has been a real hit on the streaming platform with the red logo. It is Crazy Bear, added to the Netflix catalog on Saturday June 15. To date, the film directed by Elizabeth Banks, and released in theaters in 2023, is in second place. The story tells how a bear went completely crazy after ingesting a very large dose of cocaine. She found herself lost deep in a forest in the state of Georgia after the crash of a plane carrying drugs.

Crazy Bear : a true story that took place in the 1980s

If the history of Crazy Bear seems straight out of the director’s imagination, it turns out it’s quite the opposite! The film is actually inspired by a real event that took place in 1985. At the head of a large cocaine trade, Andrew Carter Thornton II had the habit of importing his merchandise by plane which he dropped in the open air before it was recovered by his accomplices. On September 11, 1985, nothing was going to go as planned. The drug trafficker, convinced that he had been spotted by the feds, dropped three 30-kilo bags of cocaine before activating the plane’s autopilot and parachuting. Too heavy with the different bags he had on him, Andrew failed to open his parachute and crashed in a Tennessee suburb.

Crazy Bear: more than 15 kilos found in the animal’s stomach

Four months after his death, another remains were discovered. This is a 100 kilo brown bear. The animal had swallowed almost all of the bags of cocaine thrown overboard by the trafficker. The bear died of a brain hemorrhage, hyperthermia, respiratory arrest and a heart attack. His kidneys also stopped working. As for his stomach, it was found filled with cocaine. The animal had ingested more than 15 kilos of drugs.

Article written with the collaboration of 6médias.



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