summer for little budding scientists

summer for little budding scientists
summer for little budding scientists

NR-CP partnership

Spending your holidays at Espace Mendès-France is like traveling into the astonishing world of science. Thematic weeks will cover all school holidays with a theme per week and a different workshop each day.

“We often see the same children during the holidays and this program will allow them to explore a theme from different angles, each one being able to attend a single workshop or several, it’s your choice”explains Cindy Binias, scientific mediator.

The themes chosen are the past, maths, nature, the body and health, chemistry, physics… But in a style far removed from that of classrooms. Little scientists will be able to carry out archaeological digs, learn about “mathematics”, “peluchology”, count using a soroban (Japanese abacus), discover molecular cuisine, observe small animals, discover sugar as a friend or enemy and even try to free Pythagoras from his pyramid during an escape game.

Enough to create vocations. Note that the little ones, from 3 years old, will also have their science workshops, including chemistry Tuesdays or bubble workshops.

Learn while having fun at the DNA school

Supported by the association of the same name, the DNA school offers workshops on life sciences: environmental health, food, global warming. Four permanent staff will take turns throughout the summer to offer science popularization workshops to a family audience, from 7 years old depending on the themes.

“Our workshops are to be enjoyed as a family, everyone present is invited to participate, including parents”, adds Laurent Fillion, one of the speakers. You shouldn’t have to push them much because the experiences offered are intriguing for all ages.

Discovering everything that is hidden in water in all its forms, tap, bottle but also pond, river or simple puddle thanks to a microscope is a real invitation to travel into an extraordinary world, just as much as the universe of infinitely small applied to a piece of cheese, to human cells or other microbes. The summer adventure will even end with a molecular Cluedo against a backdrop of genetic fingerprints.

Digital workshops

You will have to wait until August to register for Stéphane Gamet’s digital workshops, which will offer 8-12 year olds and over the opportunity to learn programming by creating a different video game every day. From the age of 12, they will be able to go even further by discovering the workings of 3D or even artificial intelligence, and all this without any particular skills required. Science accessible to all.



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