Gard: two sick children equipped thanks to the sports tournament of the Ton jour ton rêve association

Gard: two sick children equipped thanks to the sports tournament of the Ton jour ton rêve association
Gard: two sick children equipped thanks to the sports tournament of the Ton jour ton rêve association

On June 1, on the lawn of the Roger-Pagès des Angles stadium, 14 football teams and 6 rugby teams competed in a tournament unlike any other since the only issue was solidarity, while around the field, clown shows, inflatable games , auctions, refreshments, catering and other activities delighted young and old.

In charge of this festive day, Yvan Latard, former professional player and initiator of Ton jour ton rêve, an association supported by partners and supported by a formidable team of volunteers, “an exceptional group of friends“, says Pascale Bories, mayor of Villeneuve. Her goal? To make the dream of a child suffering from a rare or orphan disease, or a disability, come true.

The municipalities of the federated canton

This event, which was able to unite the communes of the canton, with an aura growing from year to year and now included on the agenda of major events, received the help of several associations which set up various activities such as the municipal youth council and the Relaxation and Welcome Association for Angles retirees, Gazelles by SMS, the artist Jay 7 or even Running for a Dream which brought together more than 400 runners in Saze in March .

This 9th edition of the tournament was dedicated to two little girls who share a tremendous joie de vivre. Thursday evening, in the presence of numerous elected officials, association leaders and other partners, Yvan Latard gave Mylana, 10 years old, victim a few days after her birth of a cardio-respiratory arrest which left her with serious after-effects, a eye-controlled tablet. This device will allow him to gain autonomy by taking control of a computer with his eyes. His mother, Kelly, very moved, was able to find the right and touching words to express her gratitude: “You listened to us and supported us with kindness. Tonight is the beginning of a new story for our child.



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