Vendée: the big left-wing family united behind the New Popular Front

Vendée: the big left-wing family united behind the New Popular Front
Vendée: the big left-wing family united behind the New Popular Front


Nicolas Pipelier

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 7:40 p.m.

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Even on the left, we recognize it. If the presence of “the extreme right at the gates of power” has one virtue: it is that of its adversaries.

Martine Chantecaille, municipal councilor in La Roche-sur-Yon, has cherished this sweet dream for more than 20 years. This Monday, June 17, it finally became reality.

On the station square, all political organizations, unions, associations and left-wing citizens gathered to present the New Popular Front in Vendée. The opportunity to take a photo of the large family on the left finally reunited.

“Our response must be commensurate with the gravity of the moment,” said Martine Chantecaillepropelled spokesperson for the New Popular Front. “We must be united in the face of the threat of the far right and carry out a project of social, ecological and democratic transformation. »

“Socialism or barbarism”

For this, “we have three short weeks to win”, remarked Julien Delaporte of the French Communist Party. A lightning campaign to convince anyone who will listen that “the National Rally of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella is the heir to the FN of Jean-Marie Le Pen, a party founded by former collaborators”, insisted Sylviane Bulteau, first secretary of the Vendée federation of the Socialist Party. Before mentioning “the urgency of rebuilding social bonds to create society” and calling for “indispensable mobilization”.

A message echoed by Damien Chauvet of the Greens which invites “to build a project against Macron’s government and against the extreme right”.

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As we will have understood, the New Popular Front in Vendée sends back to back the faithful of the presidential guard and those close to the Le Pen camp. “Macron has been playing with fire for six years. Now he plays next to gasoline cans,” criticizes Christophe Jousseaume of rebellious France for whom “there are only two alternatives: progressivism or reaction. Socialism or barbarism. »

A clear position shared by the PCF which nevertheless called “for a campaign respectful of women and men in competition”.

“No blank check for candidates”

But for the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), “the election is only one step. On the evening of July 7, it will be necessary to organize struggles almost everywhere. For salary increases, we will have to take the money from the pockets of the 40 thieves of the stock market,” said Christian Grimbert.

As with Philippe Poutou’s comrades, the fight of the 21 Popular Front associations will not end with the elections. “We are not giving the candidates a blank check, especially since nothing is decided. We will continue to be vigilant after the election,” said Stéphane Tobie, representative of Attac Vendée.

The FSU, CGT and Solidaires unions also fit into this logic. “We are here to block the RN, but we will also be there to defend our ideas”, confided the representatives of the inter-union.

In the meantime, the die is cast on the five districts of Vendée. For the tireless unifier of left-wing forces, Daniel Perret of Generation. s“the problem is no longer in the camp of the parties or the unions, but in that of the voters”.

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