Rogé leisure center in Villeneuve-sur-Lot: games, horse riding club, the City calls for “a long-term vision”

Rogé leisure center in Villeneuve-sur-Lot: games, horse riding club, the City calls for “a long-term vision”
Rogé leisure center in Villeneuve-sur-Lot: games, horse riding club, the City calls for “a long-term vision”

the essential
At the request of the neighborhood council, a playground has just been inaugurated on the Rogé site. Developments which will allow this exceptional site to increase its attractiveness.

The Rogé site has always been an exceptional place, a vast base of greenery and shade on the banks of the Lot and just a few minutes from the city center. A nautical base for many years, an equestrian center, a venue for international show jumping competitions a few years ago, a historic castle which hosts various festive events… But a place, too often too little exploited to its true value , as political issues over successive municipalities took precedence over overall development.

With the installation of neighborhood councils desired by Guillaume Lepers from the first months of his new mandate, neighborhoods could take part of their destiny in hand through the implementation of different development projects. The Saint-Sulpice district council (on which the Rogé site depends) and its team around president Patrick Marsalleix, voted to reappropriate the Rogé site, with a new playground on the banks of the Lot and bringing together new structures and a modernization of the furniture already in place.

“A project that we wanted and that we supported”

A proposal which, arriving on Guillaume Lepers’ desk, could only receive his support and validation. “We want to increase the attractiveness of the Rogé site by providing schools, families and tourists with numerous spaces, the nautical base, the equestrian center, a walking area… with suitable equipment” explains Guillaume Lepers during the inauguration of the site. “In addition, we are finalizing the creation of the greenway which will allow people to get from the bastide to here without using the road and using gentle mobility, before Rogé becomes, in the long term, the nerve center of the cycle route going to Cahors This takes time, because like many structuring projects, there is still some reluctance on the part of some. But it is a long-term vision that we have, and it should be done. “.

But far from the considerations of municipal politics, the many children from the city’s schools present during the classic “ribbon cutting”, and in which they participated, had only one idea in mind: to take advantage of the facilities as quickly as possible. . On the program, table tennis tables, a beach soccer field, a redefined basketball court, games of pétanque on one of the 2 courts created and the existing facilities freshly renovated and enlarged. “The total financial investment for the development of play areas, ping-pong and beach soccer facilities for students at €84,000. The Saint-Sulpice neighborhood council participated in this investment to the tune of 15 000 € and the National Sports Agency, through a partnership with the PPCV and the French Table Tennis Federation, to the tune of 11,000 € for the table tennis tables” the mayor would like to add.

A new agreement being drafted for the equestrian center

The future of the equestrian center and its operation remains in question. This year, for various reasons, the agreement between the city and Villeneuve Équitation was not renewed by the town hall. A decision taken by Michel Laville, deputy mayor who declares. “This site was largely under-exploited by Villeneuve Équitation. This is why we have not renewed the agreement and why we are in the process of preparing a new one.”

Michel Laville’s wish is simple: “I want all the children who come here to be able to go for pony rides. For the preparation of this new convention, we approached the departmental riding federation. And as soon as we Once we have completed the drafting, we will receive all the potential candidates in order to examine their projects and to ensure that everyone understands what we want: the development of horse riding for all at this most beautiful equestrian center on the edge of the Lot C’. is a tool that must be developed. We will receive all the associations likely to be interested. I have already had a proposal for archery on horseback. Why not, everyone can find it here. place”.



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