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“This New Popular Front will stand alongside businesses”

“This New Popular Front will stand alongside businesses”
“This New Popular Front will stand alongside businesses”

This New Popular Front is not coming against businesses. On the contrary, it will stand alongside businesses. » President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Alain Rousset took advantage of his visit to Tarnos, on the morning of Tuesday June 18, 2024, to endorse in the second constituency of Landes the pair of left-wing candidates formed by Jean-Marc Lespade and Axelle Verdière-Bargaoui.

This New Popular Front is not coming against businesses. On the contrary, it will stand alongside businesses. » President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Alain Rousset took advantage of his visit to Tarnos, on the morning of Tuesday June 18, 2024, to endorse in the second constituency of Landes the pair of left-wing candidates formed by Jean-Marc Lespade and Axelle Verdière-Bargaoui.

In order to reinforce the idea that the program planned by the New Popular Front is possible in the current market economy, the elected socialist took as an example the very object of his visit: the construction site of the inter-company restaurant co-financed by public authorities to serve the employees of the Safran group and other employees of this industrial-port zone of Tarnos, a communist city if ever there was one.

Always concerned about “the reindustrialization of territories” and the future of small and medium-sized businesses, Alain Rousset, on the other hand, alerted the audience to the priority of this campaign for early legislative elections. “One issue rises above all others: the arrival of the far right to power. »

“In brutality”

“I already hear at each session of the Region the hateful speech and the obsessions of the elected representatives of the National Rally. To believe that this party has changed is not true! » The prospect that a majority of RN deputies will sit at the Palais Bourbon is also the first reason which pushed Alain Rousset to commit to the New Popular Front, when his support for the Nupes had been rather discreet during the 2022 legislative elections. .

“I already hear at each session of the Region the hateful speech and the obsessions of the elected representatives of the National Rally. To believe that this party has changed is not true! »

His criticisms did not spare the President of the Republic who caused this situation. “This dissolution of the National Assembly, carried out brutally by Emmanuel Macron to be in the newspapers the day after his defeat in the European elections, is dangerous. » Faced with “the policy of the elevator which can go down suddenly” of the presidential majority, Alain Rousset advocates “the strategy of the staircase, with achievements which will not be called into question”.

In line with other social democratic tenors of France, the Neo-Aquitain affirmed that “Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be prime minister. » To the differences of opinion of the components of this union of the left, Alain Rousset preferred to recall “the good score of Raphaël Glucksmann”, as the outline of a “rebalancing of what the left is towards social democracy. »

Housing priority

Also, for the president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, “this constituency is winnable” for a duo formed between the Dacquoise socialist Axelle Verdière-Bargaoui, deputy of Jean-Marc Lespade, former mayor of Tarnos, who was associated in 2022 with a another activist of the French Communist Party.

“Carrying out a left-wing policy does not prevent economic dynamics. Tarnos proves it,” notes Axelle Verdière-Bargaoui. His concerns are elsewhere, in one voice with Jean-Marc Lespade: “The problem of housing in this territory will be our priority. The outgoing MP said he was working on it, but we are waiting for the results. »



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