Young people behind the wheel. How to get your license for free in Tarn-et-Garonne?

Young people behind the wheel. How to get your license for free in Tarn-et-Garonne?
Young people behind the wheel. How to get your license for free in Tarn-et-Garonne?


Fabienne Marie

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 8:26 a.m.

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The prefect of Tarn-et-Garonne, Vincent Robertiand the Public Prosecutor at Montauban, Bruno Sauvageannounce the launch of the 3rd edition of “Permit for All” dayto be held Saturday June 29, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Capou high school in Montauban.

During this day, three participants who answered the best will leave with free code and driving license training in a driving school in the department of their choice.

How to participate ?

This new day aimed at 15-25 year olds follows the success of the first two editions in July and November 2023, which raised awareness of road risks among nearly 150 young people.

This day is completely free and accessible online upon registration. Registrations, which can also be done on the prefecture website, have been open since Wednesday May 29 and the seats are limited.

Workshops and quizzes

Through theoretical and practical workshops (crash test, rollover car, soft mobility courses, etc.) During the day, participants will be able to discover driving training, risky driving and how to adapt their behavior for safer driving.

A quiz will also be organized during the day. The three participants who answer best will therefore leave with free code and driving license training in a driving school in the department of their choice.

Videos: currently on Actu

24 road deaths in 2023

THE Tarn-et-Garonne remains one of the most accident-prone French departments with 88 deaths per million inhabitants in 2022 (the national average being 45 and the regional average being 63).

In 2023, 24 people died on the roads of Tarn-et-Garonneand since the start of 2024 alone, the provisional toll is 8 killed and 64 injured.

The 18-24 age group is over-representedwith on average in recent years alone 20% of fatal accidents for only 7% of the population.

Over the period 2018-2022, the speed factor is responsible for 29 deaths, the narcotic factor for 16 deaths and the alcohol factor for 42 deaths.

In 2023, nearly 900 administrative measures to suspend driving licenses were
taken for these different risk factors.

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