Swore. After the mobilization of this resident, is the future of the church of Cressia becoming clearer?

Swore. After the mobilization of this resident, is the future of the church of Cressia becoming clearer?
Swore. After the mobilization of this resident, is the future of the church of Cressia becoming clearer?

Where are we with the renovation of the Cressia church dear to Odile Bernez? The resident has been mobilizing body and soul for months to ensure that the building, part of whose roof is in poor condition, is renovated and protected from infiltration. Thanks to letters sent here and there by Odile Bernez, the regional directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) went to the site on May 13 to observe the damage. Unsurprisingly, it was clearly established that the roof of the sacristy needed to be repaired before any interior renovation.

The village mayor, Catherine Lancelot, said last January that “legal proceedings” were underway against the Dijon company responsible for the defects. But since then, nothing has changed.

Imbroglio around the sacristy

The councilor reaffirmed this Wednesday, June 12 that the file is in the hands of the legal department of Sidec (mixed union of energy, equipment and e-communication) “which does not provide any news”. On the side of the mixed union, we assure that we are aware of the subject but “that no contractual link is in progress with the town hall of Cressia on these administrative and legal questions”. An imbroglio can be reassuring regarding the long-awaited repair of the sacristy roof. It even seems that no legal procedure has actually been launched.

Odile Bernez, still determined to finance part of the interior renovation of the church, is growing impatient. “If it doesn’t make more progress than that to repair the defects, I will end up creating an association to have more weight and take the matter to the administrative court.”

A tarpaulin installed by September?

Despite the repeated bad weather in recent weeks, the sacristy is still not protected. However, the town hall had the woodwork removed to protect it from humidity. “We asked for quotes to install a tarpaulin. But it’s not that simple, there is a whole rafter system to put in place. This should be done in September,” indicates the councilor. An intervention delay which risks further aggravating the water leaks within this church, the first mentions of which date from the 13th century.

It remains to be seen how much longer we will have to wait for the legal file to finally unravel.



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