Families affected by the earthquake celebrate “Eid Al Adha”

Families affected by the earthquake celebrate “Eid Al Adha”
Families affected by the earthquake celebrate “Eid Al Adha”

At the level of this Douar, the joy of turning this parenthesis of the earthquake forever and celebrating “Eid Al Adha” as it should be, among loved ones and friends, in an atmosphere of general jubilation and great satisfaction, is palpable among young and old. adults, as among the men and women among the natives, all determined to continue their unfailing commitment so that all families can return to their new homes in the months to come.

This means that in other douars like “Marigha” or “Derb”, the reconstruction or finishing work on houses totally or partially affected by the earthquake is progressing at a sustained pace, thanks to to the unfailing mobilization of provincial authorities and their permanent and effective presence on the ground from the first hours following this natural disaster, to the commitment of partners and stakeholders and to the positive interaction of the population.

This accomplished work is the fruit of the exemplary management, supervision, monitoring and assiduous and permanent support of the entire post-earthquake reconstruction operation by the provincial authorities, and the parties concerned, and of the strong conviction of the families benefiting from financial aid for reconstruction that this project will not succeed without a collective effort, and the effective involvement of all in accordance with the vision of King Mohammed VI.

These houses being finished or still being reconstructed are built with careful respect for the architectural and landscape aspect of this part of the national territory, and anti-seismic and safety standards which are very restrictive, as well as thanks to the materials of adequate construction, and local know-how and techniques.

To reach this stage at the level of all the territorial communes affected by the earthquake in the province of Al Haouz, the provincial authorities, supported by the departments concerned, architects and topographers, design offices, etc., have not did not skimp on the means to provide the populations affected by the earthquake with all forms of aid and assistance, and to transcend all the difficulties encountered, in application of the High Royal Instructions.

And in order to accelerate this operation, in addition to the technical assistance and practical advice provided to residents on the ground by the specialized commissions, the local authorities are constantly deployed by mobilizing all the necessary means to respond positively to all the expectations of citizens. , among other things, the provision of model architectural plans respecting the intrinsic specificities of this area and the facilities granted to certain suppliers of construction materials (gravel, cement, iron, etc.) to set up depots nearby.



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