Saint-Just-en-Chaussee. DS Smith employees on strike

Saint-Just-en-Chaussee. DS Smith employees on strike
Saint-Just-en-Chaussee. DS Smith employees on strike
The DS Smith site in Saint-Just-en-Chaussée (Oise) shut down this Monday, June 15. – Photo: François Nerrand / Oise Hebdo

“The machines are at a standstill; “virtually everyone stopped working.” Cédrik Laparlière, CGT union delegate within the DS Smith company of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée, can be satisfied with the mobilization in the Oise. The union called for an employee strike this Monday, June 17. “We are here to say stop what is happening,” continues the representative.

Cat the Plateau Picard site is not the only one to have stopped work. “The sites of Gagny, Nice, Rouen and Rochechouart are at a standstill,” assures Cédrik Laparlière.

“We want our share”

And to explain why the strike affects the company specializing in packaging solutions. “There is a buyout in progress,” explains the CGT delegate. And it’s hard to get information. We do not know if there are sites that will be sold. Of course, it is premature to consider this, but it shows that there is concern. There is total disorganization”

The strikers also have demands. “We want to defend our achievements,” continues Cédrik Laparlière. We are asking for a bonus of 3,000 euros. This buyout will be profitable for shareholders. We want our share too.”

A 24-hour strike

The company currently has around 240 employees, not including temporary workers. The strike is expected to last 24 hours. “If management does not meet our requirements, we will meet again in September,” warns Cédrick Laparlière.



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