sentenced to 21 months of detention after threatening and injuring caregivers and gendarmes in Le Blanc

sentenced to 21 months of detention after threatening and injuring caregivers and gendarmes in Le Blanc
sentenced to 21 months of detention after threatening and injuring caregivers and gendarmes in Le Blanc

Friday March 15, 2024, “my daughter’s mother put me on the street and I wasn’t fit to stay outside”, he explains. This thirty-year-old suffering from psychological problems then went to the Blanc hospital center. “I asked to be hospitalized” and faced with the legitimate refusal of professionals, “I found myself in distress”. The man then becomes uncontrollable. ” Berserk “ describe witnesses and the gendarmes who were called.

A crew from Saint-Gaultier arrives to bring the recalcitrant to his senses. “Reinforcements must be called”, detailed Thursday, President Christophe Geoffroy, during the trial for immediate appearance. Worse, “you insulted the medical staff and the police, then you threatened them with death”. The defendant with a criminal record including twenty-five convictions for violence, insults, threats, damage, this time mentions ” a setup “ by the mother of his child. “Gendarmes, hospital staff, magistrates, family… Obviously, the whole world is angry with him,” the representatives of the victims are surprised.

Seventeen days off work for a nurse

For mee Emmanuelle Rodde who represents two of the gendarmes attacked, “he is in continual victimization. Everyone is angry with him and he comes to the point of making serious death threats”. Following these events, he was placed in a sobering up room and the next day, when he had become sober, “everything is still going very badly with the magistrates who hear it”. Me Jean-Christophe Casadei of the Orléans bar defends the attacked hospital staff: “His behavior seriously hampered the operation of the emergency department and a nurse had to have seventeen days off work following these actions. Proven facts and for which he had no words of apology addressed to his victims. »

For the representative of the public prosecutor, “We are facing a totally unacceptable outbreak of violence. He threatens hospital workers and police officers with death, spits on them… And what is worrying is that he denies this evidence. » The prosecutor requested a sentence of twelve months’ imprisonment and continued detention.

“Total intolerance to frustration”

On the defense side, Me Jérôme Dubois-Dinant recognizes “conspiracy thoughts” of his client and “his total intolerance of frustration”. The defendant’s advice, however, brings elements of context to his behavior. “Shortly before the events, he was in need of both alcohol and narcotics. All of this may have led to his irrational behavior. »

At the end of this trial, the court went beyond the requisitions by sentencing this man to eighteen months’ imprisonment, as well as the partial revocation of a three-month suspended sentence. He will also have to pay the civil parties – gendarmes and hospital staff – €8,200 for the suffering endured and €3,000 to the hospital center for costs resulting from his violence. Finally, he will not be able to appear in White for a period of five years.



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