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Justice: After a drunken evening, he shot his landlord in Ménières

Justice: After a drunken evening, he shot his landlord in Ménières
Justice: After a drunken evening, he shot his landlord in Ménières

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A man was sentenced Monday by the Broye Court for attempted serious bodily harm, as well as a misdemeanor and contravention of the federal law on weapons. This evening in June 2022, the tragedy was narrowly avoided.

The pistol used by the convict had not been acquired properly. © Keystone/photo pretext

The pistol used by the convict had not been acquired properly. © Keystone/photo pretext

Published on 06/17/2024

On June 15, 2022, three gunshots tore apart the evening tranquility of Ménières when two fairly drunk forty-year-olds, who then shared accommodation located in the center of the village, got into a spat over an issue of money. This case, which fortunately did not have lethal consequences, found its epilogue on Monday, two years after the events, with the sentencing of the shooter to two years in prison suspended for 3 years and a firm fine of 1,000 francs for attempted of serious bodily harm, as well as misdemeanor and violation of the federal law on weapons.

“I sincerely regret what happened,” assured this 50-year-old father from Jura to the president of the Broye Court Virginie Sonney. Having fully admitted the facts as they were reconstructed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, he was able to benefit from a simplified procedure, the result of which was ratified by the court. “I hope that this sentence will make you realize the seriousness of your actions and the fact that alcohol and weapons do not go well together,” the president told him.

Confused scuffle

In 2022, the man with a comfortable salary moved in with his future victim after making his own accommodation available to a Ukrainian family. Long-time friends, the two protagonists considered themselves brothers, specifies the indictment from Deputy Attorney General Raphaël Bourquin. But this good understanding had apparently been drowned in alcohol after an evening spent drinking at the village restaurant. According to their roommate, an argument broke out between the two men for various reasons related to money. After being notified of his eviction from the apartment, the Jura resident gathered his belongings, including a pistol with which he aimed at his landlord. A shot was fired, followed by a confused scuffle during which two additional shots rang out.

“I hope that this sentence will make you realize the seriousness of your actions and the fact that alcohol and weapons do not go well together”
Virginia Sonney

Results for the victim: a bullet lodged in the right buttocks after passing through the left thigh and testicle, as well as an open fracture in the left tibial plateau. Although these injuries did not represent a danger to his life, they still left him completely unable to work for two and a half months, not to mention the psychological after-effects. The investigation also showed that the shooter had acquired several weapons without having a license and that he did not keep them all with the required caution.

Arrested the same evening then placed in pre-trial detention for a month, the Jura resident had until then only been convicted of an offense against the road traffic law. He expressed sincere regrets during the procedure and compensated his victim to the tune of 10,000 francs, noted the president of the court. The two ex-friends no longer have contact today. “I would have liked to meet him and talk, but with the situation and the procedure, that did not happen,” the condemned man regretted on Monday.



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