Tabaski prayer: 2 deaths announced in Medina Gounass, the khalif’s car attacked (video)

Tabaski prayer: 2 deaths announced in Medina Gounass, the khalif’s car attacked (video)
Tabaski prayer: 2 deaths announced in Medina Gounass, the khalif’s car attacked (video)

The usual calm of Medina Gounass was suddenly disturbed this Monday when Khalif Thierno Amadou Tidiane Ba was allegedly targeted in a violent attack outside the mosque.

Leading the Tabaski prayer, the Khalif was confronted with a sneak attack which reportedly cost the lives of two people and seriously injured several others. According to information relayed by Pressafrik, which cites the Khalif’s representative, the attack was allegedly premeditated by a group of members of the Guinea-Bissau community, of Fuladou origin, constituting a minority of 5 to 10% of the local population. The tension reached its peak at the roundabout leading to Dakka, where individuals threw projectiles at the Khalifa’s convoy and his companions, causing significant damage to the vehicles.

→ ALSO READ: Daaka: President Diomaye’s gesture towards the Khalif General which risks getting people talking (again)

Advised by local security forces, the Khalif was forced to delay for approximately 15 to 20 minutes to calm the situation before attempting to return to his residence. Unfortunately, as soon as he started moving, attackers intensified their attacks, making the situation even worse. “The scenes of violence that followed were traumatic, with stones thrown at the vehicles of the Caliph and his relatives, resulting in serious injuries and tragically the loss of two human lives,” reported the same source. We will come back to it…

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