Legislative: when the Republicans come to terms with the Macronists in certain constituencies of Moselle

Legislative: when the Republicans come to terms with the Macronists in certain constituencies of Moselle
Legislative: when the Republicans come to terms with the Macronists in certain constituencies of Moselle

If an LR goes there, no Macronist, and vice versa! This is, in short, a summary of the situation in several districts of Moselle. In the first and second constituency of Metz, The Republicans leave the field open to outgoing candidates Belkhir Belhaddad and Ludovic Mendes.

In the third constituency, the situation is reversed: no candidacy from the face-to-face camp against Nathalie Colin-Oesterléthe LR candidate who lost her seat as a European deputy and who immediately announced that she would run for the legislative elections. “It’s not about small arrangements”assures France Bleu of one of the Moselle leaders of LR, “but of an assumed choice, that of fighting against the extremes”and therefore avoid the dispersion of votes.

“No one wants to be the one who will win the RN”

Still, these party choices sometimes have difficulty being accepted by activists and even by certain local political figures. Last week, in the Macronist camp some considered running against Nathalie Colin-Oesterlé, before being called to order. One of them concluded: “We didn’t really have a choice, no one wants to be the one who makes the RN win.”

Situation found in the sixth constituency, where the Macronists are not presenting a candidate against the mayor of Forbach, Alexandre Cassaro, and went so far as to give him the investiture of Renaissance. On the Thionville side, LR is letting Horizons candidate Isabelle Rauch return to the campaign.



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