near Cannes, a wedding canceled after disturbances to public order in the procession

near Cannes, a wedding canceled after disturbances to public order in the procession
near Cannes, a wedding canceled after disturbances to public order in the procession


2 hours ago,

Update 1 hour ago

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Fireworks, dangerous driving on the sidewalks, exhibition of foreign flags… A wedding convoy caused chaos on Saturday afternoon in the streets of Vallauris.

Le Figaro Nice

A week after the discord sown by a wedding convoy in the quiet streets of Mandelieu-la-Napoule, it is this time in Vallauris, a small town neighboring Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes), that a procession stood out Sunday afternoon. Furious, the mayor decided to cancel the ceremony which was to be held in town hall.

The events occurred shortly before 2 p.m., on several roads in the city. “Frightened citizens and the police alerted that behavior seriously endangering the safety of people and property was underway”, reports councilor Kévin Luciano in a message published Sunday on Facebook. And to continue: “Indeed, groups on board luxurious cars registered abroad to avoid the identification of offenders, but also quads and other two-wheelers blocked traffic […] while powerful machines rolled on the sidewalks, putting passers-by at risk of death.”

National context

Supporting photos, the councilor specifies that mortar shots, fireworks and“other pyrotechnic elements” were used in the street, “creating a climate of fear in the heart of our city of potters. This insurrectional atmosphere was reinforced by the brandishing of multiple foreign flags!” The attitude of some of the guests would have continued as far as the square in front of the town hall, which was also blocked.

In these conditions, which Kevin Luciano judges “deplorable” And “perhaps nourished by a national context in which some believe they must threaten the rule of law and the forces of order”the mayor decided to cancel the wedding celebration in town hall. “It should be noted that, in four years, despite hundreds of ceremonies, no union had been disrupted”he adds, specifying that the police intervened and issued numerous tickets.

Two- and four-wheeled vehicles have caused trouble on several roads in the city.
City of Vallauris
Fireworks mortars were fired into the street and the packaging thrown onto the ground.
City of Vallauris

The municipality is also considering filing a complaint for obstructing traffic. “The bride-to-be didn’t say a word louder than the other, she was disappointed of course, but was quickly calmed down by those close to her. It’s another thing for her future husband, who showed himself to be very angry and even hostile at times in his language. He made no apologies and even tried to make us believe that he did not know the protagonists who had caused the mess, in particular one on a quad, with whom we had seen him discussing”reports for his part the deputy security officer of Vallauris, Dominique Bruzzisi. “This man only saw the economic aspect of the thing, the rental of a car for 10,000 euros, the florist, the photographer etc. We let him know that this was not all since he will also have to pay all the fines that will be sent to him”he concludes.



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