a collection of schoolbags for children from disadvantaged backgrounds

A gesture of solidarity. Until August 25, the personal assistance services agency O2 is organizing a schoolbag collection in Haute-Garonne. The objective: to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds and enable them to start the school year peacefully.

A promise of a future and equal opportunities

According to INSEE figures published last February, 9.1 million people live below the poverty line in France. Among them, around three million families often struggle to provide what they need for their children’s return to school.

Faced with this observation, the leader in personal services O2 invites its customers and the general public to participate in a solidarity collection by depositing one or more schoolbags in good condition in one of its partner agencies:

  • O2 Granada – 31 avenue de la République 31520 Lévignac;
  • O2 Toulouse – 40 port Saint-Etienne 31000 Toulouse;
  • O2 Toulouse West – 93 rue Gaston-Doumergue 31170 Tournefeuille;
  • O2 Toulouse North – 145 avenue des Minimes 31200 Toulouse;
  • O2 Castanet – 15 avenue de Toulouse 31320 Castanet-Tolosan;
  • O2 Bruguieres – 6 bis place Castelet 31150 Bruguières;
  • O2 Fenouillet – 1 avenue des Sports – 31150 Fenouillet;
  • O2 Castelmaurou – 8 chemin de Castelviel 31180 Rouffiac-Tolosan.

The schoolbags will then be given to local associations committed to the well-being of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. They will be responsible for distributing them to the most needy families.

>> READ ALSO: Near Toulouse: Muretain Agglo offers individual composters to its residents



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