in Mayenne, who are the candidates in your constituency?

in Mayenne, who are the candidates in your constituency?
in Mayenne, who are the candidates in your constituency?

Of the three constituencies in Mayenne, fifteen candidates have declared themselves for the 2024 legislative elections. The first round takes place on Sunday June 30, the second, Sunday July 7. Which constituency do you belong to? Who are the candidates? What parties are they from? We take stock.

1D Mayenne constituency

Five candidates: Guillaume Garot, replacement Isabelle Fougeray (Socialist Party, New Popular Front); Paule Veyre de Soras, replacing Joseph Le Griffon (National Rally); Stéphanie Hibon Arthuis, replacing Nathalie Rousseau (Right, New Energy); Vincent Saulnier, replacement Fatiha Idri-Huet (UDI, Ensemble pour la République, presidential majority).

The municipalities concerned: Silver; Assé-le-Bérenger; Averton; Bais; Bonchamp-lès-Laval; Boulay-les-Ifs; Bree; Châlons-du-Maine; Champfrémont; Champgeneteux; Changed; Curcity; Crennes-sur-Fraubée; Entrammes; Evron; Strength ; Gesnes; Gesvres; Hambers; Izé; Jublains; La Chapelle-Anthenaise; La Chapelle-Rainsouin; Laval; Livet; Loupfougères; Louverné; Louvigné; Mézangers; Montflours; Montsûrs; Neau; Parné-sur-Roc; Pré-en-Pail-Saint-Samson; Ravigny; Saint-Aubin-du-Désert; Saint-Cyr-en-Pail; Sainte-Gemmes-le-Robert; Saint-Georges-sur-Erve; Saint-Germain-de-Coulamer; Saint-Germain-le-Fouilloux; Saint-Jean-sur-Mayenne; Saint-Mars-du-Désert; Saint-Pierre-des-Nids; Saint-Thomas-de-Courceriers; Soulgé-sur-Ouette; Trans; Villaines-la-Juhel; Villepail; Vimartin-sur-Orthe; Voutré.

Read also: follow our live broadcast from June 17 dedicated to the legislative elections

2e Mayenne constituency

Six candidates: Jean-Luc Placé, replacing Chantal Le Meur (Workers’ Struggle); Grégory Boisseau, replacement Marie-Laure Le Mée Clavreul (Europe Ecology – The Greens, New Popular Front); Jean-Michel Cadenas, replacement Géraldine Timon (National Rally); Patrice Grudé, replacing Thierry Touroude (Miscellaneous – French Democratic Freedom); Pierre-Elie Guyon, replacement Sophie Dirson (Miscellaneous – right); Géraldine Bannier, replacing Michel Cosme (MoDem – Ensemble pour la République, presidential majority).

The municipalities concerned: Ahuillé; Arquenay; Astillé; Atheist; Ballots; Bannes; Bazougers; Beaumont-Pied-de-Boeuf; Bierné-les-Villages; Blandouet-Saint-Jean; Bouchamps-lès-Craon; Bouère; Bouessay; Brains-sur-les-Marches; Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne; Chatelain; Chemazé; Chémeré-le-Roi; Chérancé; Congerier; Cosmes; Cossé-en-Champagne; Cossé-le-Vivien; Coudray; Courbeveille; Craon; Spooned; Daon; Denazé; Fontaine-Couverte; Fromentières; Gastines; Gennes-Longuefuye; Grez-en-Bouère; Houssay; The Huisserie; La Bazouge-de-Chemeré; La Boissière; La Chapelle-Craonnaise; The Crop; La Roche-Neuville; La Roë; La Rouaudière; La Selle-Craonnaise; Laubrières; Laval; Le Bignon-du-Maine; Le Buret; Delivered-la-Touche; Maisoncelles-du-Maine; Marigné-Peuton; Mee; Menil; Méral; Meslay-du-Maine; Montigné-le-Brillant; Niafles; Nuillé-sur-Vicoin; Origné; Peuton; Pommerieux; Preaux; Prée-d’Anjou; Quelaines-Saint-Gault; Renazé; Ruillé-Froid-Fonds; Saint-Aignan-sur-Roë; Saint-Berthevin; Saint-Brice; Saint-Charles-la-Forêt; Saint-Denis-d’Anjou; Saint-Denis-du-Maine; Saint-Erblon; Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes; Saint-Georges-le-Fléchard; Saint-Léger; Saint-Loup-du-Dorat; Saint-Martin-du-Limet; Saint-Michel-de-la-Roë; Saint-Pierre-sur-Erve; Saint-Poix; Saint-Quentin-les-Anges; Saint-Saturnin-du-Limet; Saulges; Senonnes; Simple ; Thorigné-en-Charnie; Torcé-Viviers-en-Charnie; Vaiges; Val-du-Maine; Villiers-Charlemagne.

3e Mayenne constituency

Four candidates: Annie Bell, replacing Serge Laigre (National Rally); Martine Amelin, replacement Michelle Popowici (Workers’ Struggle); Yannick Favennec, replacing Bruno Lestas (claimed Horizons); Stéphanie Lefoulon, replacing Benoit Gautier (Socialist Party, New Popular Front).

The municipalities concerned: Alexain; Ambrières-les-Vallées; Andouille; Aaron; Beaulieu-sur-Oudon; Belgeard; Bourgon; Brece; Because they ; Chailland; Champéon; Chantrigné; Charchigné; Châtillon-sur-Colmont; Chevaigné-du-Maine; Colombiers-du-Plessis; Commer; Contest; Couesmes-Vaucé; Couptrain; Desertines; Ernée Fougerolles-du-Plessis; Gorron; Grazay; Hardanges; Herce; Javron-les-Chapelles; Juvigné; La Baconnière; La Bazoge-Montpinçon; La Bazouge-des-Alleux; La Bigottière; La Brûlatte; La Chapelle-au-Riboul; La Croixille; The Golden; La Gravelle; La Haie-Traversaine; Landivy; The Pallu; La Pellerine; Larchamp; Lassay-les-Châteaux; Launay-Villiers; Le Bourgneuf-la-Forêt; Le Genest-Saint-Isle; Le Ham; The Horps; Le Housseau-Brétignolles; Not ; The Ribay; Woods ; Levaré; Lignières-Orgères; Loiron-Ruillé; Madre; Marcillé-la-Ville; Martigné-sur-Mayenne; Mayenne; Montaudin; Montenay; Montjean; Montreuil-Poulay; Moulay; Neuilly-le-Vendin; Bird; Olivet; Parigné-sur-Braye; Place ; Pontmain; Port-Brillet; Rennes-en-Grenouilles; Sacé; Saint-Aignan-de-Couptrain; Saint-Aubin-Fosse-Louvain; Saint-Baudelle; Saint-Berthevin-la-Tannière; Saint-Calais-du-Désert; Saint-Cyr-le-Gravelais; Saint-Denis-de-Gastines; Saint-Ellier-du-Maine; Sainte-Marie-du-Bois; Saint-Fraimbault-de-Prières; Saint-Georges-Buttavent; Saint-Germain-d’Anxure; Saint-Germain-le-Guillaume; Saint-Hilaire-du-Maine; Saint-Julien-du-Terroux; Saint-Loup-du-Gast; Saint-Mars-sur-Colmont; Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie; Saint-Ouën-des-Toits; Saint-Pierre-des-Landes; Saint-Pierre-la-Cour; Soucé; Thuboeuf; Vautorte; Vieuvy.



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