LEGISLATIVE. Second constituency of Haute-Corse: Jean-Antoine Giacomi withdraws his candidacy

LEGISLATIVE. Second constituency of Haute-Corse: Jean-Antoine Giacomi withdraws his candidacy
LEGISLATIVE. Second constituency of Haute-Corse: Jean-Antoine Giacomi withdraws his candidacy

“I learned this about fifteen minutes ago, I’m surprised.” Christophe Canioni, replacing Jean-Antoine Giacomi in the race for deputy, does not hide his disappointment at the decision taken a little earlier by the candidate of Forza Nova in the second constituency of Haute-Corse.

“I don’t know the reasons for this choice, but they were apparently serious enough for it to be made. However, things were off to a good start…” A lightning campaign and tight deadlines convinced the movement to present a candidate in a single circo. And if there had once been a question of going there in the first of Haute-Corse, the multitude of candidates – especially on the right – had finally convinced the executives of Forza Nova to concentrate on the neighboring territory. “For uscontinues Christophe Canioni, it was the opportunity to have a correct election and it allowed the new Forza Nova to start, to see what we could influence, even in an area where we do not benefit from a large presence.”

“There is no point in dispersing votes”

The explanation is ultimately the ex-candidate who will give it himself a little later. Determined to introduce himself “with a view to the broadest possible union of the rights on a resolutely Corist anti-immigrationist line”, Jean-Antoine Giacomi led discussions with local representatives of Reconquête! and the National Rally. “But these discussions did not come to fruitionhe summarizes, and it is useless to disperse the voices. Let’s win our ideas first.”

With this in mind, and the main issue being “to block the outgoing MP who is the candidate of the immigrationist left”the Forza Nova candidate withdrew his candidacy “and calls on voters to vote for the candidate best representing the identity and anti-immigration struggle and, thus, to sanction the third world, wokist and cosmopolitan policies of current elected officials”.



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