Manu Payet offers Reunion to the Pope

Manu Payet offers Reunion to the Pope
Manu Payet offers Reunion to the Pope

Manu Payet was one of the hundred comedians to be invited to the Vatican to meet the Pope last Friday. The comedian from Reunion Island gave him a souvenir from the island.

Written by NP – Monday June 17, 2024 at 5:06 p.m.

@Vaticen News – Screenshot

Around a hundred comedians, including Reunionese comedian Manu Payet, were invited to the Clémentine Room of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican last Friday June 14. The sovereign pontiff gave a speech there on humor and the power of humor, the importance of humor in today’s world.

At the end of the audience, the comedian who was able to speak for a few moments with the Holy Father, Manu Payet, spoke to Vatican News: “I felt a great emotion, a pride too, a joy also to be able to give this gift to my mother“, did he declare. The comedian was accompanied by his mother, who he is “went to get to Reunion” especially for the occasion.

Manu Payet did not arrive empty-handed, leaving the sovereign pontiff a map of Reunion Island as a souvenir. The island would not be unknown to Pope Francis who would have quickly identified it according to the confidences of Manu Payet. “ He recognized it first, he said ‘is it La Réunion?’ and then, “okay, are you from Reunion Island?‘, he reported to Vatican News.



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