The consumption of antidepressants is increasing in Belgium, particularly among young people: “Our country beats the European average”

The consumption of antidepressants is increasing in Belgium, particularly among young people: “Our country beats the European average”
The consumption of antidepressants is increasing in Belgium, particularly among young people: “Our country beats the European average”

The consumption of antidepressants continues to increase in Belgium, particularly among young people. With a number of daily doses of antidepressants per 1,000 inhabitants greater than 80, Belgium exceeds the European average by around 10%.

The consumption of antidepressants continues to increase in Belgium, with a particularly marked increase among young people, according to an analysis published Monday by Mutualités Libres. The organization saw growth of 8% between 2019 and 2023 among its 2.3 million affiliates.

This increase is greatest for the youngest age groups:

  • +43.6% for 12-18 year olds (who however account for 1.7% of consumers),
  • +36.8% for 19-24 year olds
  • And +17.1% for 25-39 year olds.

Conversely, the trend is “only” +5.6% for 40-54 year olds, +4% for 55-64 year olds and +2.7% for 65-80 year olds. For those over 80, it drops to +1.8%.

The oldest most concerned

In terms of current consumption, however, it is the oldest who are most concerned: up to 25.1% for those over 80. The number of consumers decreases as age increases: it is 13.8% for those aged 40-54 and less than 5% for affiliates aged 19 to 24.

Disparities are also noted between regions: 12% of Walloons (+7% in five years), 9% of Flemish people (+10%) and 9% of Brussels residents (+9%) take antidepressants.

The Mutualités Libres also note a difference between the sexes: seven men out of 100 take antidepressants, compared to 13 women out of 100.With a number of daily doses of antidepressants per 1,000 inhabitants greater than 80, Belgium exceeds the European average by around 10%. However, the use of antidepressants must be considered with caution and evaluated in addition to non-drug approaches.“, underline the Mutualités, which plead for increased prevention, better information for the population and an expansion of the psychological offer in rest homes.

antidepressants youth health



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