Thunderstorms, risk of hail, rising temperatures… Here is the weather forecast for the week in Essonne

Thunderstorms, risk of hail, rising temperatures… Here is the weather forecast for the week in Essonne
Thunderstorms, risk of hail, rising temperatures… Here is the weather forecast for the week in Essonne


Coline Bonvalot

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 10:11 a.m.

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Going out without your umbrella and raincoat will not be possible. Rain will be present for a large part of the week of June 17 to 23, 2024 in the Essonne department according to Météo France.

Risk of hail

This Monday morning, the weather will be gray with temperatures oscillating between 15 and 17°C. The rain will make a comeback in the afternoon, and temperatures will rise up to 22°C.

Tuesday, watch out for thunderstorms. Météo France has placed the Essonne department on yellow alert for the risk of thunderstorms from 6 a.m. on Tuesday June 18, 2024. A alert that will remain active until midnight. Of heavy rainfall and hail are expected. Temperatures will be between 17 and 26°C.

The time will be gloomy, Wednesday and Thursday, with rain in the morning, then sunshine accompanied by clouds in the afternoon. Temperatures will range between 16° and 24°C.

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The return of the sun at the end of the week

This Friday, June 21, 2024, the music festival and the beginning of summer will take place under the fleet. Indeed, rain, accompanied by rather mild temperatures between 16 and 20°C, will be in force all day long.

But good news, the sun will show the tip of its nose the next morning before giving way to rain again in the afternoon. Temperatures will be between 13 and 21°C.

Sunday, weather and temperatures will remain unchangedwith sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon.

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