an assassin hides among traders, investigate to find him

an assassin hides among traders, investigate to find him
an assassin hides among traders, investigate to find him

Livradais Cluedo began in the heart of the city. The members of Ucal (Union of traders and craftsmen from Livradais) are at the initiative of this life-size game, for which they invite the public to “observe carefully the traders involved”. The participants must investigate and find “who is the mysterious one… With what weapon and what business? » (sic)

As in traditional Cluedo, everyone must proceed by elimination, ticking off, as they go, “the different businesses, weapons and characters found. The remaining three are the protagonists,” specify Ucal officials. “Then, those who wish are invited to leave their ballot, indicating the name of the suspect and the weapon used, in a ballot box located at the entrance to the stores of the traders involved to participate in the draw and try to win. win one of the prizes. »

First clue

A flyer is given to each customer of said businesses to participate in this free game launched on 1is November, and running until December 13. On this piece of paper, all the participating stores are mentioned; the investigators must indicate their first name, last name, and telephone number.

“Once the person has located the necessary information, discovered inside the business, which they have checked, then placed their ballot in the ballot box, they can hope to win various prizes, including garnished shopping carts, vouchers “purchase worth 50 to 250 euros”, specify the managers, who invite all the curious to become “master of the first edition of this Cluedo from Livradais”.

Some passers-by have already enjoyed discovering the game: “It looks fun, it makes you want to go to the shops,” smiles Luc, during a stroll in the heart of the city. “I decided to participate with my son. We just found our first clue! »

Information and participating businesses via Facebook, on the “Ucal” page.



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