Eure: traveling doctors arrive in this medical desert

Eure: traveling doctors arrive in this medical desert
Eure: traveling doctors arrive in this medical desert


Matthieu Le Tirant

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 6:06 a.m.

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Exit the medical bus, make way for Doctor ! Of the salaried and traveling doctors arrived at the beginning of June in the north-east of Eure. They will officiate in Vexin, in Gisors, Vesly and Morgny, a sector which is cruelly lacking in general practitioners. The system aims to reduce medical desertification.

While Community of communes of Vexin Normandy initially considered deploying a telemedicine medical bus on its territory in order to reduce the medical desert, another device was finally chosen.

With Doct’Eure, patients will be able to benefit from real consultationsin the presence of a general practitioner.

Salaried doctors

Employed by the La Musse hospital located in Saint-Sébastien-de-Morsent, near Évreux, the doctors will eventually occupy time slots spread throughout the week.

“It will be a full-time equivalent” specifies the president of the Community of Communes, Alexandre Rassaërt. The one who also chairs the Eure Departmental Council is pleased to have obtained this funding. “It is inspired by an experiment which took place in the south of the Eure department”.

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Com’com was quick to communicate about the availability of the first slots. Every Wednesday, a doctor will be present at the Morgny nursery school. It is a retired doctor who comes as reinforcement.

In town hall

Since Monday June 3, the town hall of Vesly has also received a visit from a practitioner every other Monday. As for the Gisors hospital, premises have been made available for visits by a general practitioner every other Tuesday since June 11.

“For the moment, there are still many slots available for patients” rejoices the president of Com’com, who however has no illusions.

“With the communication around this new system, the slots will quickly be full. This measure is not the miracle solution, but it still provides relief to patients who no longer have a treating doctor. Especially since these itinerant doctors can be declared as attending doctors. »

Alexandre Rassaërt, president of Com’Com du Vexin Normand

Priority to long-term conditions

Already three consultation slots are open
in the territory of Normandy Vexin. ©

These slots are primarily intended for patients with long-term illnesses (ALD) without a treating doctor. They benefit from numerous financial partners: France Ruralités, the Normandy Regional Health Agency, the Department of Eure, the Community of Communes of Vexin Normand, Health Insurance, the Normandy Region, the La Musse hospital – La Renaissance Sanitaire hospital foundation and the Gisors hospital center – Pôle Sanitaire du Vexin.

The director of the latter, Olivier-Max Bariot, specifies the nature of the system within its walls.

“We have already made several retired doctors from the sector available to patients. The Doct’Eure system is not directly managed by us. We only provide one room. »

Olivier-Max Bariot, director of the Gisors hospital center.

The fact remains that the Vexin Health Center is further expanding its healthcare offering through this new opening of slots.

General practitioners made available by La Musse hospital on Wednesdays in Morgny (nursery school), every other Monday in Vesly (town hall) from Monday June 3, every other Tuesday at Gisors CH from Tuesday June 11. Make appointments and information on the website or on 02 32 29 32 19 (La Musse health center switchboard).

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