2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: twelve candidates validated in the two constituencies of the department

2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: twelve candidates validated in the two constituencies of the department
2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: twelve candidates validated in the two constituencies of the department

the essential
The closing of applications for the 2024 legislative elections was scheduled for Sunday June 16, 2024 at 6 p.m. Here are the twelve candidates who will attempt to run for the seat of deputy in the two constituencies of Tarn-et-Garonne.

Twelve candidates, six in each constituency, are on the starting list for the 2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne. The first round will take place on Sunday June 30 and the second round, if necessary, on Sunday July 7. Complete overview of the personalities who will be presented to the voters.

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First constituency

It was a choice of “responsibility”, in his own words, in the face of an “irresponsible” dissolution of the President of the Republic. Valérie Rabault, outgoing MP for the first constituency, did not hesitate long to get on the starting line.

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With a solid record since her accession to the Bourbon Palace in 2012, she has been first vice-president of the lower house of Parliament for two years. The socialist will have the support of the entire New Popular Front to continue the work started twelve years ago. Faithful to her 2022 commitment, she is taking on board Morgan Tellier, the mayor of Nègrepelisse, as a substitute.

Facing her, Ms. Rabault will have five challengers. The biggest surprise comes from Brigitte Barèges. The mayor of Montauban and president of Grand Montauban was designated by the local Republicans, who decided to move forward hand in hand with the National Rally. Her deputy is Pierre-Henri Carbonnel, a municipally elected farmer (34 years old) in Saint-Cirq. The Lepéniste party has not fielded any candidate against the mayor of Montauban in this constituency.

Catherine Simonin-Benazet is invested by Renaissance, the presidential party, as in 2022. The one who is involved in the League against cancer, former running mate of Pierre Mardegan in Montauban, is accompanied by Charles Tapie, who was former chief of staff of Christian Astruc.

Three other candidates have made themselves known to the Tarn-et-Garonne prefecture: Jean-François Grilhaut des Fontaines, a Montalbanese from the Solidarité & Progress party, already a candidate in 2022, Richard Blanco, from the far-left Lutte Ouvrière party, a regular in this election, and Alain Bru.

Second constituency

She went into the field on Saturday morning at the Valence-d’Agen market. Anne Ius, departmental councilor of Beaumont-de-Lomagne, is already fully committed to this legislative campaign, the first for her.

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The president (PRG) of Tarn-et-Garonne tourism, also a municipal councilor, benefits from numerous supports: Michel Weill, president of the departmental council, who is her deputy, the former minister Sylvia Pinel, the president of the Occitanie region Carole Delga, Valérie Rabault, but also Jean-Michel Baylet and Stéphane Gonzalez, the president of the Radicals of Tarn-et-Garonne.

Unknown rebels

La France insoumise has decided to invest Claudie Chrétien, recently installed in Cazes-Mondenard but unknown to the inhabitants and the mayor of the town, interviewed by La Dépêche. A choice which raises questions among many activists and officials of the member parties of the New Popular Front. Some remain relatively discreet for the moment. But they do not hide, off the record, the possibility of supporting Anne Ius depending on the progress of the campaign. The rebellious substitute, also unknown, is called Roméo Charrière.

As already mentioned, LR and RN linked their destinies, leaving the field open to Marine Hamelet, the outgoing RN deputy, compared by some to a ghost in the constituency. She is replaced by the mayor of Moissac Romain Lopez.

Moissac is also the town of origin of Jules Duffaut, the candidate supported by the outgoing relative majority. This member of Horizons has been, since March, the president of the local Telethon. He who had sworn that he would not enter politics broke his word. His deputy is the opposition municipal councilor of Castelsarrasin Marie Sierra.

Lutte Ouvrière also has its candidate in the second constituency, in the person of Françoise Ratsimba. She reforms the 2022 duo with Stéphane Gomila. Finally, as in 2022, Bastir Occitanie is launching Claire Aymes as a candidate, with Pascal Do Nascimento as an alternate.



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