Patrick Molinoz explains why he is not a candidate

Patrick Molinoz explains why he is not a candidate
Patrick Molinoz explains why he is not a candidate

Patrick Molinoz, mayor of Venarey – Les Laumes, will not be a candidate in the 4th constituency of Côte-d’Or for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Consequence: the presidential majority did not present any candidate in this sector where the outgoing LR deputy, Hubert Brigand, will challenge ”only” the RN, the New Popular Front and Workers’ Struggle.

“The voice I carry would have been more necessary than ever”

A choice that the one who is also vice-president of the regional council justifies in a press release: “The risk of a victory for the extreme right is too high”. However, the PRG elected official does not hide his concern about the choice made by the New Popular Front: “The Parisian headquarters of the PS and LFI decided what was good for our rural constituency… I do not share this choice which reinforces a logic of political confrontation block against block, to the detriment of the appeasement that France needs. The voice that I carry, that of respect for republican principles (at the forefront of which I place secularism), that of nuance in debates and compromise as a democratic method, would have been more necessary than ever in these times marked by speeches and extreme practices.”

Before insisting: “But the situation in the country is too serious to fuel divisions. My family, with the PRG- The center left is the left. My fight is the Republic and no voice must be lacking to prevent the extreme right from coming to power. »

Patrick Molinoz concludes his press release by ensuring that he remains focused on his commitments within the Region and his municipality. “On July 7 at 8 p.m., another phase will begin in which communities will be, whatever happens, poles of stability and republican hope. »



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