Proxy voting requests explode in Mende

Proxy voting requests explode in Mende
Proxy voting requests explode in Mende

For a week, in front of the Mende police station in Lozère, citizens flock to establish a proxy for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024. René, who will not be present to vote, went to the police station to give proxy. : “I won’t be available, that’s whyi have taken the necessary measures to ensure a useful vote he explains. Like René, many have recently traveled to entrust their vote to a loved one. “The number is impressive,” points out Gerard Vanhaezebrouck from the Mende police station, where the influx is continuous. “There is a high number of proxies. Indeed, the crowds are large and constant, some residents of Lozère even go to the police station during the night, it being open 24 hours a day.. This shows that many are determined to vote in these legislative elections. There are a large number of people wanting to voteincluding elderly people who travel in the evening to submit their power of attorney.”


Dozens of proxies recorded daily at the police station, and as much to be processed by the town hall’s electoral service, explains Amandine Bouquet, the manager. “Yes, there is real enthusiasm. Since Monday, we have received a large number of online proxies. Currently, the trend is increasing, so I processed around fifteen files yesterday and I have around twenty pending in the proxy management software.”


Faced with this influx, the police station advises favoring online registrations.



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