“Édusanté” labels awarded to three establishments in Charente-Maritime • La Rochelle info

“Édusanté” labels awarded to three establishments in Charente-Maritime • La Rochelle info
“Édusanté” labels awarded to three establishments in Charente-Maritime • La Rochelle info

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the rector of the Poitiers academy presented 17 new “Édusanté” labels to schools, middle and high schools at the Aliénor d’Aquitaine high school in Poitiers. “particularly invested in the health-promoting school approach, serving the well-being and success of students. »

“The Édusanté label aims to recognize the action of a school or an educational establishment in terms of health promotion. It makes it possible to: highlight existing actions and projects within schools and educational establishments; certify a certain level of expertise of the schools or establishments involved; facilitate the development of a common culture around health promotion; encourage teams and students to continue and deepen their projects. »

Awarded for a period of three years, this label is made up of three levels. Level 1 : commitment which attests to commitment to the Health Promoting School approach. Level 2 : deepening which demonstrates the establishment’s desire to go further in the Health Promoting School approach. Level 3: expertise which certifies the expertise of the school or establishment in the Health Promoting School approach.

For this second wave of labeling, the academic jury met on April 11 to distinguish the following schools and educational establishments:

Seven level 1 “Commitment” labels:

  • Erea Les Chirons de Puymoyen (16)
  • Jean-Albert Grégoire professional high school in Soyaux (16)
  • Françoise Dolto College in La Jarrie (17)
  • Paul Guérin High School in Niort (79)
  • Jean Moulin College of Poitiers (86)
  • Erea Anne Frank de Mignaloux Beauvoir (86)
  • Camille Guérin High School in Poitiers (86)

Nine level 2 “Deepening” labels:

  • André Malraux College of Baigne-Sainte-Radegonde (16)
  • Jean de la Quintinie College in Chabanais (16)
  • Jean Michaud College of Terres-de-Haute-Charente (16)
  • Guez de Balzac high school in Angoulême (16)
  • Taugon primary school (17)
  • Marc JeanJean College of Matha (17)
  • Albert Camus College of Frontenay Rohan-Rohan (79)
  • Maurice Genevoix High School in Bressuire (79)
  • Lycée Aliénor d’Aquitaine in Poitiers (86)

A level 3 “Expert” label:

  • Bonnet Laffont nursery school in Valence in Poitou (86)


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