Tried for beating up a disabled young person in Figeac: one of them gets angry during the deliberations and degrades a microphone

Tried for beating up a disabled young person in Figeac: one of them gets angry during the deliberations and degrades a microphone
Tried for beating up a disabled young person in Figeac: one of them gets angry during the deliberations and degrades a microphone

the essential
This Friday, two young people, residing in Figeacois, are accused of having hit a disabled young man. They had just taken drugs.

There were only two of them in the dock this Friday afternoon during an immediate appearance. The third was not found by investigators. The events occurred on Monday June 10 at the end of the day. Three young people including Théo* and Ahmed* take on Guillaume*, a disabled man, isolate him in an alley and hit him multiple times. Kicks, punches, knee strikes… The victim quickly falls to the ground, but the blows continue to rain down. Several people witnessed the scene and quickly called emergency services. The young people fled but one of them was quickly caught by the police. A second accomplice was quickly arrested, but the third was nowhere to be found.

Ahmed admits to having hit Guillaume. They had to meet to “solve a problem”, according to him. During his hearing, he explained that Guillaume had reported him for drug use, leading to a search of the defendant’s home. “Why did you hit Guillaume?” asks the president of the court. “I let myself be carried away by the group dynamic, I had consumed alcohol and drugs in the afternoon,” replied Ahmed. “Did you make an appointment with him?”, continues the president. For Ahmed, it was Guillaume who contacted him to get some “shit”. “You know that violence of this nature can end in a dramatic way? Someone who falls on their head can lead to death, and there it is the Assize Court and you are in detention for dozens of years. years “.

For his part, Théo tries to defend himself: “He stepped on my foot, he didn’t say sorry to me, I gave him a physical blow, very light, and then they fought.” The young man defends himself, he says he did not strike any blows: “There are plenty of people who don’t like me in Figeac.” For the civil party, these arguments are not sufficient: “Guillaume was the victim of a violent attack. He is in great difficulty, he has a great mental deficiency, he is recognized as 80% disabled. He is placed under guardianship for 10 years, he has no chance of improvement. He took a blow to the head, it could have been very serious.”

“This is an extremely unpleasant case due to its nature of vengeance and cowardice,” declares the prosecutor. “For me, Théo has the role of a follower, he struck without thinking.” Their guilt is in no doubt for her and requires 18 months in prison, 12 of which with a probationary suspension for Théo and 18 months in prison and the revocation of the 3 months of suspended sentence, following an old affair. “I agree with the prosecutor, my client is a follower, but we are in the presence of someone who is having difficulties, he needs care more than sanctions,” declares Théo’s lawyer. “Ahmed has 8 mentions in his criminal record, but only one for violence, he has started professional reintegration, the employer is satisfied. His greatest fear would be returning to prison,” adds the second defense lawyer.

An eventful end to the hearing

“I have remorse for the actions I committed, I have never been violent, I am aware of the extent that this type of behavior can have,” concludes Ahmed.

Théo receives 18 months of imprisonment with a probationary suspension of 2 years with an obligation to work, train and care. For his part, Ahmed is sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment with the revocation of the 3 months of probation. Once the decision is made, Ahmed gets angry. He hits the microphone. He is quickly subdued by security. He screamed in the court for long minutes, refusing to go to the Rodez penitentiary center.

*First names have been changed



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