Sarkozy criticizes Ciotti who risks becoming a “supplement” of the National Rally

Sarkozy criticizes Ciotti who risks becoming a “supplement” of the National Rally
Sarkozy criticizes Ciotti who risks becoming a “supplement” of the National Rally

By Le Figaro with AFP

yesterday at 9:40 p.m.,

Update 9 minutes ago

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Eric Ciotti “should have submitted to the governing bodies of his party his conviction of the necessity of an alliance with the RN and proposed to the members to decide by electronic vote within a short time”, estimates the former President of the Republic in the JDD.

Nicolas Sarkozy criticizes Eric Ciotti’s decision to join the National Rally – because it carries the risk, in his eyes, that the contested boss of LR becomes “a substitute” of the RN -, and considers that Jordan Bardella “has talent” but lacks experience to be prime minister.

Eric Ciotti, whose exclusion from the presidency of the Republicans was invalidated by the courts, “should have submitted to the governing bodies of his party his conviction of the need for an alliance with the RN and proposed to members to decide by electronic vote within a short time”estimates the former President of the Republic in the JDD . “The question would then have been resolved calmly and incontestably. There would not have been a denial of democracy.adds the former boss of the right.

On the merits, Nicolas Sarkozy judges this LR-RN alliance “all the more inappropriate when the Republican right is so weak because it is then an absorption”. “Being the deputy of the RN is not an ambition but an acknowledgment of renunciation”he summarizes. “Allying yourself with the National Rally today means putting yourself in the shoes of a 28-year-old young man who, if he succeeds, will not leave your place, and if he fails, will take you with him”he insists.

“Jordan Bardella has talent”

“The National Rally has done work on itself which is undeniable. (…) Jordan Bardella has talent and knows how to control his language, which is a quality. He remains, and this is a big question, to make up for a lack of experience since he has never been in a position to manage anything, and he is less than 30 years old. he said. “I would add that he will be confronted with another difficulty: the management of Marine Le Pen. Having experienced the complexity of the relationship between Jacques Chirac and Édouard Balladur up close, I know that it will not be the easiest for him..

Read alsoRussia, Israel, Europeans, immigration… Nicolas Sarkozy’s big explanation to Le Figaro

The former President of the Republic also reacted to the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by Emmanuel Macron: “This dissolution constitutes a major risk for the country and for the president. For the country, already fractured, because this could plunge it into chaos from which it will have the greatest difficulty emerging. (…) France finds itself in a situation which, from my point of view, brings more tensions than clarifications. I would have liked more power for the president, not less”.

In his interview with JDDthe former head of state clarified that political life was behind him: “I will never be done with France. France gave me everything. I remain passionate about his destiny. But politics is over for me. I fear confusion, so I won’t add any more. Saying what I believe is necessary for our country while excluding any personal ambition and therefore any return seems to me the wisest and most useful path.

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